Moving average lag operator

22 SQL untuk Analisis dan Pelaporan Oracle telah meningkatkan kemampuan pemrosesan analisis SQL dengan memperkenalkan keluarga baru fungsi SQL analitik. Fungsi analitik ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menghitung: Tingkatan dan persentil Perhitungan jendela bergerak Regresi linier Statistik Fungsi peringkat mencakup distribusi kumulatif, peringkat persen, dan ubin N. Perhitungan jendela bergerak memungkinkan Anda menemukan agregasi bergerak dan kumulatif, seperti jumlah dan rata-rata. Analisis Laglead memungkinkan referensi antar baris langsung sehingga Anda dapat menghitung perubahan periode-ke-periode. Analisis firstlast memungkinkan Anda menemukan nilai pertama atau terakhir dalam grup yang dipesan. Perangkat tambahan lainnya ke SQL mencakup ekspresi CASE dan partisi outer join. Pernyataan CASE menyediakan jika-maka logika berguna dalam banyak situasi. Partisi outer join adalah perpanjangan sintaks join ANSI outer yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk secara selektif mengelompokkan dimensi tertentu sekaligus membuat orang lain jarang. Ini memungkinkan alat pelaporan memodifikasikan dimensi secara selektif, misalnya yang muncul dalam laporan lintas-tabular sambil membuat orang lain jarang. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja, fungsi analitik dapat diparalelkan: beberapa proses secara bersamaan dapat mengeksekusi semua pernyataan ini. Kemampuan ini membuat perhitungan menjadi lebih mudah dan efisien, sehingga meningkatkan kinerja database, skalabilitas, dan kesederhanaan. Fungsi analitik diklasifikasikan seperti yang dijelaskan pada Tabel 22-1. Tabel 22-1 Fungsi Analitik dan Kegunaannya Untuk melakukan operasi ini, fungsi analitik menambahkan beberapa elemen baru ke pemrosesan SQL. Unsur-unsur ini dibangun di atas SQL yang ada untuk memungkinkan ekspresi perhitungan yang fleksibel dan kuat. Dengan hanya beberapa pengecualian, fungsi analitik memiliki elemen baru ini. Aliran pemrosesan ditunjukkan pada Gambar 22-1. Gambar 22-1 Order Pengolahan Konsep penting yang digunakan dalam fungsi analitik adalah: Pengolahan kueri menggunakan fungsi analitik berlangsung dalam tiga tahap. Pertama, semua bergabung, WHERE. Klausa GROUP BY dan HAVING dilakukan. Kedua, himpunan hasil dibuat tersedia untuk fungsi analitik, dan semua perhitungannya terjadi. Ketiga, jika query memiliki klausa ORDER BY pada akhirnya, ORDER BY diproses untuk memungkinkan pesanan output yang tepat. Urutan pemrosesan ditunjukkan pada Gambar 22-1. Hasil setel partisi Fungsi analitik memungkinkan pengguna untuk membagi hasil query set ke dalam kelompok baris yang disebut partisi. Perhatikan bahwa istilah partisi yang digunakan dengan fungsi analitik tidak terkait dengan fitur partisi tabel. Sepanjang bab ini, istilah partisi hanya mengacu pada makna yang terkait dengan fungsi analitik. Partisi dibuat setelah kelompok didefinisikan dengan klausa GROUP BY, jadi tersedia untuk hasil agregat seperti jumlah dan rata-rata. Pembagian partisi mungkin didasarkan pada kolom atau ungkapan yang diinginkan. Kumpulan hasil query dapat dipartisi menjadi satu partisi yang memegang semua baris, beberapa partisi besar, atau banyak partisi kecil yang masing-masing hanya memiliki beberapa baris. Untuk setiap baris di partisi, Anda dapat menentukan jendela geser data. Jendela ini menentukan kisaran baris yang digunakan untuk melakukan perhitungan untuk baris saat ini. Ukuran jendela dapat didasarkan pada sejumlah fisik baris atau interval logis seperti waktu. Jendela memiliki baris awal dan baris akhir. Bergantung pada definisinya, jendela bisa bergerak pada satu atau kedua ujungnya. Misalnya, sebuah jendela yang didefinisikan untuk fungsi jumlah kumulatif akan memiliki baris mulai yang ditetapkan pada baris pertama partisi, dan baris akhir akan meluncur dari titik awal sampai ke baris terakhir partisi. Sebaliknya, jendela yang didefinisikan untuk rata-rata bergerak akan memiliki titik awal dan akhir slide sehingga mempertahankan rentang fisik atau logis konstan. Sebuah jendela dapat diatur sebesar semua baris dalam sebuah partisi atau hanya sebuah jendela geser satu baris dalam sebuah partisi. Ketika sebuah jendela berada di dekat perbatasan, fungsi mengembalikan hasil hanya untuk baris yang tersedia, daripada memberi tahu Anda bahwa hasilnya bukan yang Anda inginkan. Saat menggunakan fungsi jendela, baris saat ini disertakan selama penghitungan, jadi sebaiknya tentukan (n -1) saat Anda menangani n item. Setiap perhitungan yang dilakukan dengan fungsi analitik didasarkan pada baris saat ini dalam sebuah partisi. Baris saat ini berfungsi sebagai titik acuan menentukan awal dan akhir jendela. Misalnya, perhitungan rata-rata bergerak terpusat dapat didefinisikan dengan jendela yang menampung baris saat ini, enam baris sebelumnya, dan enam baris berikut. Ini akan menciptakan sebuah jendela geser dari 13 baris, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 22-2. Gambar 22-2 Contoh Jendela Sliding Peringkat, Windowing, dan Fungsi Pelaporan Bagian ini mengilustrasikan fungsi analitik dasar untuk rangking, windowing, dan pelaporan. Perhitungan Regresi Linier Linier Dalam contoh ini, kita menghitung garis regresi biasa-kuadrat-terkecil yang mengekspresikan kuantitas yang terjual suatu produk sebagai fungsi linier dari daftar harga produk. Perhitungannya dikelompokkan menurut saluran penjualan. Nilai SLOPE. INTCPT. RSQR adalah kemiringan, intersep, dan koefisien determinasi garis regresi. Nilai (bilangan bulat) COUNT adalah jumlah produk di setiap saluran yang tersedia untuk kuantitas dan harga jual. Agregat Statistik Oracle menyediakan satu set fungsi statistik SQL dan paket statistik, DBMSSTATFUNCS. Bagian ini mencantumkan beberapa fungsi baru beserta sintaks dasar. Statistik Deskriptif Anda dapat menghitung statistik deskriptif berikut ini: Median dari Mode Kumpulan Data Kumpulan Data Anda dapat menghitung statistik parametrik berikut ini: Spearmans rho Koefisien Kendalls tau-b Koefisien Selain fungsi, rilis ini memiliki paket PLSQL, DBMSSTATFUNCS . Ini berisi fungsi statistik deskriptif RINGKASAN beserta fungsinya untuk mendukung pemasangan distribusi. Fungsi RINGKASAN merangkum kolom numerik tabel dengan berbagai statistik deskriptif. Fungsi distribusi lima distribusi mendukung distribusi normal, seragam, Weibull, Poisson, dan eksponensial. Agregat yang Ditetapkan Pengguna Oracle menawarkan fasilitas untuk membuat fungsi Anda sendiri, yang disebut fungsi agregat yang ditentukan pengguna. Fungsi-fungsi ini ditulis dalam bahasa pemrograman seperti PLSQL, Java, dan C, dan dapat digunakan sebagai fungsi analitik atau agregat dalam tampilan terwujud. Lihat Panduan Pengembang Cartridge Data Database Oracle untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai sintaks dan batasan. Kelebihan dari fungsi ini adalah: Fungsi yang sangat kompleks dapat diprogram menggunakan bahasa prosedural secara lengkap. Skalabilitas yang lebih tinggi daripada teknik lainnya saat fungsi yang ditentukan pengguna diprogram untuk pemrosesan paralel. Tipe data objek bisa diolah. Sebagai contoh sederhana dari fungsi agregat yang ditentukan pengguna, perhatikan statistik miring. Perhitungan ini mengukur jika kumpulan data memiliki distribusi miring tentang mean-nya. Ini akan memberitahu Anda jika satu ekor distribusi secara signifikan lebih besar dari yang lain. Jika Anda membuat agregat yang ditentukan pengguna yang disebut udskew dan menerapkannya pada data batas kredit pada contoh sebelumnya, pernyataan dan hasil SQL mungkin terlihat seperti ini: Sebelum membangun fungsi agregat yang ditentukan pengguna, Anda harus mempertimbangkan apakah kebutuhan Anda dapat dipenuhi. Di SQL biasa Banyak perhitungan yang kompleks dapat dilakukan secara langsung di SQL, terutama dengan menggunakan ekspresi CASE. Tinggal dengan SQL biasa akan memungkinkan pengembangan yang lebih sederhana, dan banyak operasi query sudah terlaksana dengan baik di SQL. Bahkan contoh sebelumnya, statistik miring, dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan standar, meskipun panjang, SQL. Operasi Pivoting D ata yang dikembalikan oleh query intelijen bisnis seringkali paling dapat digunakan jika disajikan dalam format crosstabular. The pivotclause dari pernyataan SELECT memungkinkan Anda menulis query crosstabulation yang memutar baris ke kolom, menggabungkan data dalam proses rotasi. Pivoting adalah teknik kunci dalam gudang data. Di dalamnya, Anda mengubah beberapa baris input ke baris yang lebih sedikit dan umumnya lebih lebar di gudang data. Saat berputar, operator agregasi diterapkan untuk setiap item dalam daftar nilai kolom pivot. Kolom pivot tidak boleh mengandung ekspresi yang sewenang-wenang. Jika Anda perlu berpaling pada ekspresi, maka Anda harus alias berekspresi dalam pandangan sebelum operasi PIVOT. Sintaks dasarnya adalah sebagai berikut: Untuk menggambarkan penggunaan pivoting, buatlah tampilan berikut sebagai dasar untuk contoh selanjutnya: Contoh: Pivoting Pernyataan berikut menggambarkan pivot tipikal pada kolom saluran: Perhatikan bahwa output telah menciptakan empat kolom alias baru. , PENJUALAN LANGSUNG. INTERNETSALES. KATALOGSALES. Dan TELESALES. Satu untuk masing-masing nilai pivot. Outputnya adalah jumlah. Jika tidak ada alias yang diberikan, judul kolomnya adalah nilai IN - list. Pivoting on Multiple Columns Anda dapat berporos pada lebih dari satu kolom. Pernyataan berikut menggambarkan pivot kolom beberapa tipikal: Perhatikan bahwa contoh ini menentukan IN - list multi-kolom dengan judul kolom yang dirancang agar sesuai dengan anggota IN - list. Pivoting: Multiple Agregat Anda dapat berporos dengan beberapa agregat, seperti ditunjukkan pada contoh berikut: Perhatikan bahwa kueri membuat judul kolom dengan menggabungkan nilai pivot (atau alias) dengan alias fungsi agregat, ditambah garis bawah. Membedakan Nulls Generasi PIVOT dari Nulls di Sumber Data Anda dapat membedakan antara nilai null yang dihasilkan dari penggunaan PIVOT dan yang ada pada data sumber. Contoh berikut menggambarkan null yang dihasilkan oleh PIVOT. Query berikut mengembalikan baris dengan 5 kolom, kolom prodid. Dan pivot menghasilkan kolom Q1. Q1COUNTTOTAL. Q2. Q2COUNTTOTAL. Untuk setiap nilai unik prodid. Q1COUNTTOTAL mengembalikan jumlah baris yang nilai qtrnya adalah Q1. Yaitu, dan Q2COUNTTOTAL mengembalikan jumlah baris yang nilai qtrnya adalah Q2. Asumsikan kita memiliki tabel penjualan2 dari struktur berikut: Dari hasilnya, kita tahu bahwa untuk produk 100, ada 2 baris penjualan untuk kuartal Q1. Dan 1 baris penjualan untuk kuartal Q2 untuk produk 200, ada 1 baris penjualan untuk kuartal Q1. Dan tidak ada baris penjualan untuk kuartal Q2. Jadi, di Q2COUNTTOTAL. Anda dapat mengidentifikasi bahwa NULLlt1gt berasal dari sebuah baris di tabel asli yang ukurannya bernilai null, sementara NULLlt2gt adalah karena tidak ada baris yang hadir dalam tabel asli untuk produk 200 pada kuartal Q2. Operasi yang Tidak Menghasilkan Sebuah unpivot tidak membalikkan operasi PIVOT. Sebagai gantinya, ia memutar data dari kolom menjadi beberapa baris. Jika Anda bekerja dengan data berporos, operasi UNPIVOT tidak dapat membalikkan agregasi yang telah dilakukan oleh PIVOT atau cara lainnya. Untuk mengilustrasikan unpivoting, pertama buat tabel yang diputar yang mencakup empat kolom, untuk perempat tahun: Isi tabel menyerupai berikut ini: Operasi UNPIVOT berikut memutar kolom seperempat baris. Untuk setiap produk, akan ada empat baris, satu untuk setiap kuartal. Perhatikan penggunaan INCLUDE NULLS dalam contoh ini. Anda juga bisa menggunakan EXCLUDE NULLS. Yang merupakan setting default. Selain itu, Anda juga dapat melakukan unpivot menggunakan dua kolom, seperti berikut ini: Wildcard dan Subquery Pivoting with XML Operations Jika Anda ingin menggunakan wildcard argument atau subquery di kolom pivoting Anda, Anda dapat melakukannya dengan sintaks XML PIVOT. Dengan XML PIVOT, output dari operasi ini benar-benar diformat XML. Contoh berikut menggambarkan menggunakan kata kunci wildcard, APAPUN. Ini menghasilkan XML yang mencakup semua nilai saluran di salesview: Perhatikan bahwa kata kunci ANY tersedia dalam operasi PIVOT hanya sebagai bagian dari operasi XML. Output ini mencakup data untuk kasus dimana saluran berada di kumpulan data. Perhatikan juga bahwa fungsi agregasi harus menentukan klausa GROUP BY untuk mengembalikan beberapa nilai, namun pivotclause tidak mengandung klausa GROUP BY eksplisit. Sebagai gantinya, pivotclause melakukan GROUP BY implisit. Contoh berikut menggambarkan menggunakan subkueri. Ini menghasilkan XML yang mencakup semua nilai saluran dan data penjualan yang sesuai dengan masing-masing saluran: Output mengolah data untuk memasukkan semua saluran yang mungkin untuk setiap produk. Data Densification untuk Pelaporan Data biasanya disimpan dalam bentuk yang jarang. Artinya, jika tidak ada nilai untuk kombinasi nilai dimensi yang diberikan, tidak ada baris yang ada di tabel fakta. Namun, Anda mungkin ingin melihat data dalam bentuk padat, dengan baris untuk semua kombinasi nilai dimensi ditampilkan meskipun tidak ada data fakta untuk mereka. Misalnya, jika produk tidak terjual selama jangka waktu tertentu, Anda mungkin masih ingin melihat produk untuk jangka waktu tersebut dengan nilai penjualan nol di sampingnya. Selain itu, perhitungan deret waktu dapat dilakukan dengan sangat mudah bila data padat sepanjang dimensi waktu. Ini karena data padat akan mengisi jumlah baris yang konsisten untuk setiap periode, yang pada gilirannya mempermudah penggunaan fungsi windowing analitik dengan offset fisik. Keragaman data adalah proses pengubahan data yang jarang menjadi bentuk yang padat. Untuk mengatasi masalah sparsity, Anda bisa menggunakan partisi outer join untuk mengisi gap dalam deret waktu atau dimensi lainnya. Bergabung seperti itu memperluas sintaks join luar konvensional dengan menerapkan outer join ke setiap partisi logical yang didefinisikan dalam query. Oracle secara logis mempartisi baris dalam query Anda berdasarkan ekspresi yang Anda tentukan di dalam PARTITION BY clause. Hasil join outer yang dipartisi adalah UNION dari outer join dari masing-masing partisi di tabel yang dipartisi secara logis dengan tabel di sisi lain join. Perhatikan bahwa Anda dapat menggunakan jenis ini untuk mengisi celah dalam dimensi apa pun, tidak hanya dimensi waktu saja. Sebagian besar contoh di sini berfokus pada dimensi waktu karena dimensi inilah yang paling sering digunakan sebagai dasar perbandingan. Partition Join Syntax Sintaks untuk partisi outer join memperluas klausa ANSI SQL JOIN dengan frase PARTITION BY diikuti oleh daftar ekspresi. Ungkapan dalam daftar menentukan kelompok dimana join luar diterapkan. Berikut ini adalah dua bentuk sintaks yang biasanya digunakan untuk partisi outer join: Perhatikan bahwa FULL OUTER JOIN tidak didukung dengan outer join yang dipartisi. Contoh Data Langka Situasi tipikal dengan dimensi yang jarang ditunjukkan pada contoh berikut, yang menghitung penjualan mingguan dan penjualan tahunan untuk produk Bounce selama minggu 20-30 pada tahun 2000 dan 2001: Dalam contoh ini, kami Akan mengharapkan 22 deret data (11 minggu masing-masing dari 2 tahun) jika datanya padat. Namun, kami hanya mendapatkan 18 baris karena minggu 25 dan 26 hilang pada tahun 2000, dan minggu ke 26 dan 28 pada tahun 2001. Mengisi Kesenjangan dalam Data Kami dapat mengambil data yang jarang dari kueri sebelumnya dan melakukan pembagian di luar bergabung dengan sekumpulan padat Data waktu Dalam query berikut, kita alias query asli kita sebagai v dan kita pilih data dari tabel kali, yang kita sebut sebagai t. Disini kita mengambil 22 baris karena tidak ada celah dalam seri. Keempat baris yang ditambahkan masing-masing memiliki 0 karena nilai Penjualan mereka diset ke 0 dengan menggunakan fungsi NVL. Perhatikan bahwa dalam query ini, kondisi WHERE ditempatkan selama berminggu-minggu antara 20 dan 30 pada tampilan inline untuk dimensi waktu. Ini diperkenalkan untuk menjaga agar hasilnya tetap kecil. Mengisi Kesenjangan dalam Dua Dimensi Data dimensi-n biasanya ditampilkan sebagai tab silang 2 dimensi padat dimensi (n - 2) halaman. Ini mengharuskan semua nilai dimensi untuk dua dimensi yang muncul di tab salib diisi. Berikut adalah contoh lain di mana kemampuan bergabung di luar partisi dapat digunakan untuk mengisi kesenjangan pada dua dimensi: Dalam kueri ini, klausa anjak subquery WITH V1 merangkum data penjualan di tingkat produk, negara, dan tahun. Hasil ini jarang terjadi, namun pengguna mungkin ingin melihat kombinasi tahun untuk setiap produk di seluruh negara. Untuk mencapai hal ini, kita mengambil setiap partisi v1 berdasarkan nilai produk dan outer join pada dimensi negara terlebih dahulu. Ini akan memberi kita semua nilai negara untuk setiap produk. Kami kemudian mengambil hasil itu dan mempartisinya pada nilai produk dan negara dan kemudian di luar bergabung pada dimensi waktu. Ini akan memberi kita semua nilai waktu untuk setiap kombinasi produk dan negara. Mengisi Kesenjangan dalam Tabel Inventaris Tabel persediaan biasanya melacak jumlah unit yang tersedia untuk berbagai produk. Tabel ini jarang: hanya menyimpan deretan produk saat ada acara. Untuk tabel penjualan, acara tersebut adalah penjualan, dan untuk tabel persediaan, acara tersebut merupakan perubahan jumlah barang yang tersedia untuk suatu produk. Misalnya, perhatikan tabel inventaris berikut: Tabel persediaan sekarang memiliki baris berikut: Untuk tujuan pelaporan, pengguna mungkin ingin melihat data inventaris ini secara berbeda. Misalnya, mereka mungkin ingin melihat semua nilai waktu untuk setiap produk. Hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan parted outer join. Selain itu, untuk baris yang baru dimasukkan dalam periode waktu yang hilang, pengguna mungkin ingin melihat nilai jumlah kolom unit yang akan dibawa dari periode waktu yang ada. Yang terakhir dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan fungsi analisis LASTVALUE value. Berikut adalah query dan output yang diinginkan: Query batin menghitung outer part yang dipartisi tepat waktu dalam setiap produk. Kueri dalam dumatikan data pada dimensi waktu (artinya dimensi waktu sekarang akan memiliki baris untuk setiap hari dalam seminggu). Namun, jumlah kolom ukuran akan memiliki null untuk baris yang baru ditambahkan (lihat output dalam jumlah kolom pada hasil berikut. Permintaan luar menggunakan fungsi analitik LASTVALUE. Menerapkan fungsi ini mempartisi data berdasarkan produk dan memerintahkan data pada Kolom dimensi waktu (timeid).Untuk setiap baris, fungsi menemukan nilai non-null terakhir di jendela karena opsi MENGABAIKAN NULLS yang dapat Anda gunakan dengan LASTVALUE dan FIRSTVALUE. Kita melihat output yang diinginkan dalam kolom yang berulang-ulang dalam Output berikut: Menghitung Nilai Data untuk Mengisi Sampul Contoh pada bagian sebelumnya menggambarkan bagaimana menggunakan partisi outer join untuk mengisi gap dalam satu atau beberapa dimensi. Namun, set hasil yang dihasilkan oleh outer join yang dipartisi memiliki nilai null untuk kolom yang tidak termasuk dalam Daftar PARTITION BY Biasanya, ini adalah kolom ukuran. Pengguna dapat menggunakan fungsi SQL analitik untuk menggantikan nilai null tersebut dengan nilai non-null. Misalnya, q berikut Uery menghitung total bulanan untuk produk kartu memori 64MB dan DVD-R Discs (ID produk 122 dan 136) untuk tahun 2000. Menggunakan partisi luar bergabung untuk memenuhi data selama berbulan-bulan. Untuk bulan-bulan yang hilang, kemudian menggunakan fungsi SQL analitik AVG untuk menghitung penjualan dan unit menjadi rata-rata bulan ketika produk terjual. Jika bekerja di SQLPlus, dua perintah berikut membungkus judul kolom untuk keterbacaan hasil yang lebih besar: Perhitungan Seri Waktu pada Data Densifikasi Densifikatio n tidak hanya untuk tujuan pelaporan. Ini juga memungkinkan beberapa jenis perhitungan, terutama, perhitungan deret waktu. Perhitungan deret waktu lebih mudah bila data padat sepanjang dimensi waktu. Data padat memiliki jumlah baris yang konsisten untuk setiap periode waktu yang pada gilirannya mempermudah penggunaan fungsi jendela analitik dengan offset fisik. Sebagai ilustrasi, pertama mari kita ambil contoh pada Mengisi Kesenjangan dalam Data. Dan memungkinkan menambahkan fungsi analitik ke kueri tersebut. Dalam versi yang disempurnakan berikut ini, kami menghitung penjualan tahunan yang selalu ketinggalan tahun bersamaan dengan penjualan mingguan. Nilai NULL yang disisipkan di luar partisi menyisipkan dalam membuat rangkaian waktu padat ditangani dengan cara biasa: fungsi SUM memperlakukannya sebagai 0s. Perbandingan Periode-ke-Periode untuk Satu Tingkat Waktu: Contoh Bagaimana kita menggunakan fitur ini untuk membandingkan nilai sepanjang periode waktu Secara khusus, bagaimana kita menghitung perbandingan penjualan tahun ke tahun di tingkat minggu Permintaan berikut kembali pada baris yang sama. , Untuk setiap produk, penjualan tahunan untuk setiap minggu tahun 2001 dengan tahun 2000. Perhatikan bahwa dalam contoh ini kita memulai dengan klausa WITH. Ini meningkatkan keterbacaan query dan memungkinkan kita fokus pada outer join yang dipartisi. Jika bekerja di SQLPlus, perintah berikut membungkus judul kolom untuk keterbacaan hasil yang lebih besar: Pada klausa FROM dari tampilan inline dline. Kami menggunakan gabungan luar yang terpisahkan dari tampilan agregat v dan tampilan waktu t untuk mengisi kesenjangan dalam data penjualan sepanjang dimensi waktu. Output dari outer join yang dipartisi kemudian diproses oleh fungsi analisis SUM. OVER untuk menghitung penjualan tahunan mingguan (kolom weeklyytdsales). Dengan demikian, pandangan densesales menghitung data penjualan tahun-to-date setiap minggu, termasuk yang hilang dalam tampilan agregat. Tampilan tahun yang inline kemudian menghitung penjualan tahun lalu yang lalu setiap minggu dengan menggunakan fungsi LAG. Fungsi LAG yang berlabel mingguanmenerbitkanpopulasi menentukan klausa PARTISI BY yang memasangkan baris untuk minggu yang sama tahun 2000 dan 2001 menjadi satu partisi tunggal. Kami kemudian melewati offset 1 ke fungsi LAG untuk mendapatkan penjualan tahunan hingga tahun sebelumnya. Blok kuota paling luar memilih data dari tahun ke tahun dengan kondisi pada tahun 2001. dan dengan demikian kueri kembali, untuk setiap produk, mingguannya Penjualan tahunan dalam minggu-minggu tertentu tahun 2001 dan 2000. Perbandingan Periode-ke-Periode untuk Tingkat Waktu Beberapa Kali: Contoh Sementara contoh sebelumnya menunjukkan kepada kita cara untuk membuat perbandingan untuk satu tingkat waktu, akan lebih banyak lagi. Berguna untuk menangani beberapa tingkat waktu dalam satu kueri. Misalnya, kita bisa membandingkan penjualan versus periode sebelumnya di tingkat tahun, kuartal, bulan dan hari. Bagaimana kita bisa membuat kueri yang melakukan perbandingan tahun-tahun ke tahun dari semua tingkat hirarki waktu Kami akan melakukan beberapa langkah untuk melakukan tugas ini. Tujuannya adalah query tunggal dengan perbandingan pada hari, minggu, bulan, kuartal, dan tingkat tahun. Langkah-langkahnya adalah sebagai berikut: Kita akan membuat tampilan yang disebut cubeprodtime. Yang memegang sekumpulan penjualan hierarki hierarki sepanjang waktu dan produk. Kemudian kita akan membuat tampilan dimensi waktu untuk digunakan sebagai ujung kubus. Tepi waktu, yang memegang satu set lengkap tanggal, akan dipartisi luar bergabung dengan data yang jarang di lihat cubeprodtime. Akhirnya, untuk performa maksimal, kita akan menciptakan tampilan terwujud, mvprodtime. Dibangun dengan menggunakan definisi yang sama seperti cubeprodtime. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai batu hierarki, lihat Bab 21, SQL untuk Penggabungan di Gudang Data. Tampilan terwujud didefinisikan pada Langkah 1 di bagian berikut. Langkah 1 Buat tampilan kotak hierarkis Tampilan terwujud yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini mungkin sudah ada di sistem Anda jika tidak, buat sekarang. Jika Anda harus membuatnya, perhatikan bahwa kami membatasi kueri hanya pada dua produk agar waktu pemrosesan tetap singkat: Karena pandangan ini terbatas pada dua produk, ia mengembalikan lebih dari 2200 baris. Perhatikan bahwa kolom HierarchicalTime berisi representasi string waktu dari semua level hirarki waktu. Ekspresi CASE yang digunakan untuk kolom HierarchicalTime menambahkan penanda (0, 1.) ke setiap string tanggal untuk menunjukkan tingkat waktu nilai. A 0 mewakili tingkat tahun, 1 adalah perempat, 2 bulan, dan 3 adalah hari. Perhatikan bahwa klausa GROUP BY adalah ROLLUP yang digabungkan yang menentukan hierarki rollup untuk dimensi waktu dan produk. Klausa GROUP BY adalah apa yang menentukan isi hierarki. Langkah 2 Buat tampilan edgetime, yang merupakan satu set lengkap nilai tanggal edgetime adalah sumber untuk mengisi celah waktu di dalam kotak hirarki menggunakan join luar yang terpartisi. Kolom HierarchicalTime in edgetime akan digunakan dalam sebuah partisi yang dipartisi dengan kolom HierarchicalTime dalam tampilan cubeprodtime. Pernyataan berikut mendefinisikan edgetime: Langkah 3 Buat mvprodtime tampilan terwujud untuk mendukung kinerja lebih cepat Definisi tampilan terwujud adalah duplikat dari tampilan cubeprodtime yang didefinisikan sebelumnya. Karena itu adalah query duplikat, referensi tentang cubeprodtime akan ditulis ulang untuk menggunakan tampilan mvprodtime terwujud. Hal berikut terwujud mungkin sudah ada di sistem Anda jika tidak, ciptakan sekarang. Jika Anda harus membuatnya, perhatikan bahwa kami membatasi kueri hanya dua produk agar waktu pemrosesan tetap singkat. Langkah 4 Buat query perbandingan Sekarang kita telah mengatur tahap untuk query perbandingan kita. Kita dapat memperoleh perhitungan perbandingan dari periode ke periode pada semua tingkat waktu. Hal ini membutuhkan penerapan fungsi analitik ke sebuah kotak hirarkis dengan data padat sepanjang dimensi waktu. Beberapa perhitungan yang dapat kita capai untuk setiap level waktu adalah: Jumlah penjualan untuk periode sebelumnya di semua tingkat waktu. Varians penjualan selama periode sebelumnya. Jumlah penjualan pada periode yang sama tahun lalu di semua level waktu. Varians penjualan pada periode yang sama tahun lalu. Contoh berikut melakukan keempat perhitungan ini. Ini menggunakan partisi luar yang dipartisi dari tampilan cubeprodtime dan edgetime untuk membuat tampilan inline dari data padat yang disebut densecubeprodtime. Permintaan kemudian menggunakan fungsi LAG dengan cara yang sama seperti contoh tingkat satu sebelumnya. Klausa WHERE luar menentukan waktu pada tiga tingkat: pada bulan Agustus 2001, keseluruhan bulan, dan keseluruhan kuartal ketiga tahun 2001. Perhatikan bahwa dua baris terakhir dari hasil tersebut berisi tingkat bulan dan agregasi tingkat triwulan. Perhatikan bahwa untuk membuat Hasilnya lebih mudah dibaca jika Anda menggunakan SQLPlus, judul kolom harus disesuaikan dengan perintah berikut. Perintah akan melipat judul kolom untuk mengurangi garis panjang: Berikut adalah query yang membandingkan penjualan saat ini dengan penjualan sebelumnya dan tahun yang lalu: Fungsi LAG pertama (salespriorperiod) mempartisi data pada gidp. kucing. Subcat. melecut. Gidt dan memerintahkan baris pada semua kolom dimensi waktu. Ini mendapatkan nilai penjualan dari periode sebelumnya dengan melewatkan offset 1. Partisi fungsi LAG kedua (salessameperiodprioryear) mengelompokkan data pada kolom tambahan qtrnum. Monnum Dan daynum dan memesannya pada tahun sebelumnya sehingga, dengan offset 1, dapat menghitung penjualan tahun lalu untuk periode yang sama. Klausul SELECT terluar menghitung varians. Membuat Anggota Custom dalam Dimensi: Contoh Dalam banyak tugas SQL analitis, akan sangat membantu untuk mendefinisikan anggota kustom dalam dimensi. Misalnya, Anda mungkin menentukan periode waktu khusus untuk analisis. Anda dapat menggunakan outer outer yang dipartisi untuk sementara menambahkan anggota ke dimensi. Perhatikan bahwa klausa MODEL SQL baru cocok untuk membuat skenario yang lebih kompleks yang melibatkan anggota baru dalam dimensi. Lihat Bab 23, SQL untuk Pemodelan untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang topik ini. Sebagai contoh sebuah tugas, bagaimana jika kita ingin mendefinisikan anggota baru untuk dimensi waktu kita? Kita ingin membuat level anggota ke 13 dalam dimensi waktu kita. Bulan ke 13 ini didefinisikan sebagai penjumlahan penjualan setiap produk pada bulan pertama setiap kuartal tahun 2001. Solusinya memiliki dua langkah. Perhatikan bahwa kita akan membangun solusi ini dengan menggunakan tampilan dan tabel yang dibuat pada contoh sebelumnya. Dua langkah diperlukan. Pertama, buat tampilan dengan anggota baru yang ditambahkan ke dimensi yang sesuai. Tampilan menggunakan operasi UNION ALL untuk menambahkan anggota baru. Untuk query menggunakan anggota kustom, gunakan ekspresi CASE dan join outer yang dipartisi. Anggota baru kami untuk dimensi waktu dibuat dengan tampilan berikut: Dalam pernyataan ini, view timec didefinisikan dengan melakukan UNION ALL dari tampilan edgetime (didefinisikan pada contoh sebelumnya) dan 13 bulan yang ditentukan pengguna. Nilai gidt 8 dipilih untuk membedakan anggota custom dari anggota standar. UNION ALL menentukan atribut untuk anggota 13 bulan dengan melakukan SELECT dari tabel DUAL. Perhatikan bahwa id pengelompokan, kolom gidt. Diatur ke 8, dan nomor kuartal diatur ke 5. Kemudian, langkah kedua adalah dengan menggunakan tampilan inline query untuk melakukan join luar yang terpisahkan dari cubeprodtime dengan timec. Langkah ini menciptakan data penjualan untuk bulan ke-13 pada setiap tingkat agregasi produk. Dalam query utama, fungsi analisis SUM digunakan dengan ekspresi KASUS untuk menghitung tanggal 13, yang didefinisikan sebagai penjumlahan dari penjualan bulan pertama setiap kuartal. Fungsi SUM menggunakan KASUS untuk membatasi data ke bulan 1, 4, 7, dan 10 dalam setiap tahun. Karena kumpulan data mungil, hanya dengan 2 produk, nilai rollup dari hasil ini mungkin merupakan pengulangan agregasi tingkat rendah. Untuk set nilai rollup yang lebih realistis, Anda dapat memasukkan lebih banyak produk dari subkategori Game Console dan Y Box Games di tampilan terwujud. Kemampuan Analisis dan Pelaporan Lain-lain Bagian ini mengilustrasikan kemampuan analitik tambahan berikut: Fungsi WIDTHBUCKET Untuk ekspresi tertentu, fungsi WIDTHBUCKET mengembalikan jumlah ember yang dihasilkan dari ekspresi ini setelah dievaluasi. Anda bisa menghasilkan histogram equiwidth dengan fungsi ini. Histogram Equiwidth membagi kumpulan data ke dalam ember yang ukuran intervalnya (nilai tertinggi ke nilai terendah) sama. Jumlah baris yang dipegang oleh masing-masing ember akan bervariasi. Fungsi terkait, NTILE. Menciptakan ember equiheight. Histogram Equiwidth dapat dihasilkan hanya untuk tipe numerik, tanggal atau datetime. Jadi tiga parameter pertama harus berupa semua ungkapan numerik atau semua ekspresi tanggal. Jenis ekspresi lainnya tidak diperbolehkan. Jika parameter pertama adalah NULL. Hasilnya adalah NULL. Jika parameter kedua atau ketiga adalah NULL. Pesan kesalahan akan dikembalikan, karena nilai NULL tidak dapat menunjukkan titik akhir apapun (atau titik apa saja) untuk rentang pada dimensi nilai tanggal atau numerik. Parameter terakhir (jumlah ember) harus berupa ekspresi numerik yang mengevaluasi nilai integer positif 0, NULL. Atau nilai negatif akan mengakibatkan kesalahan. Ember diberi nomor dari 0 sampai (n 1). Bucket 0 menahan jumlah nilai kurang dari minimum. Bucket (n 1) menahan jumlah nilai yang lebih besar dari atau sama dengan nilai maksimum yang ditentukan. Sintaks WIDTHBUCKET WIDTHBUCKET mengambil empat ungkapan sebagai parameter. Parameter pertama adalah ekspresi histogram equiwidth. Parameter kedua dan ketiga adalah ekspresi yang menunjukkan titik akhir kisaran yang dapat diterima untuk parameter pertama. Parameter keempat menunjukkan jumlah ember. Perhatikan data berikut dari tabel pelanggan. Yang menunjukkan batas kredit 17 pelanggan. Data ini dikumpulkan dalam query yang ditunjukkan pada Contoh 22-24. Di meja pelanggan. Kolom custcreditlimit mengandung nilai antara 1500 dan 15000, dan kita dapat menetapkan nilai ke empat ember equiwidth, diberi nomor 1 sampai 4, dengan menggunakan WIDTHBUCKET (custcreditlimit, 0, 20000, 4). Idealnya setiap ember adalah interval tertutup dari garis angka sebenarnya, misalnya ember nomor 2 diberi nilai antara 5000.0000 dan 9999.9999. Kadang dilambangkan 5000, 10000) untuk menunjukkan bahwa 5.000 termasuk dalam interval dan 10.000 tidak termasuk. Untuk mengakomodasi nilai di luar kisaran 0, 20.000), nilai kurang dari 0 ditugaskan ke ember bawah yang ditentukan dengan angka 0, dan nilai yang lebih besar dari atau sama dengan 20.000 ditugaskan ke ember luapan yang ditentukan yang diberi nomor 5 (num bucket 1 secara umum). See Figure 22-3 for a graphical illustration of how the buckets are assigned. Figure 22-3 Bucket Assignments You can specify the bounds in the reverse order, for example, WIDTHBUCKET ( custcreditlimit. 20000. 0. 4 ). When the bounds are reversed, the buckets will be open-closed intervals. In this example, bucket number 1 is ( 15000,20000 , bucket number 2 is ( 10000,15000 , and bucket number 4, is ( 0 ,5000 . The overflow bucket will be numbered 0 ( 20000. infinity ), and the underflow bucket will be numbered 5 (- infinity. 0 . It is an error if the bucket count parameter is 0 or negative. Example 22-24 WIDTHBUCKET The followin g query shows the bucket numbers for the credit limits in the customers table for both cases where the boundaries are specified in regular or reverse order. We use a range of 0 to 20,000. Linear Algebra Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics with a wide range of practical applications. Many areas have tasks that can be expressed using linear algebra, and here are some examples from several fields: statistics (multiple linear regression and principle components analysis), data mining (clustering and classification), bioinformatics (analysis of microarray data), operations research (supply chain and other optimization problems), econometrics (a nalysis of consumer demand data), and finance (asset allocation problems). Various libraries for linear algebra are freely available for anyone to use. Oracles UTLNLA package exposes matrix PLSQL data types and wrapper PLSQL subprograms for two of the most popular and robust of these libraries, BLAS and LAPACK. Linear algebra depends on matrix manipulation. Performing matrix manipulation in PLSQL in the past required inventing a matrix representation based on PLSQLs native data types and then writing matrix manipulation routines from scratch. This required substantial programming effort and the performance of the resulting implementation was limited. If developers chose to send data to external packages for processing rather than create their own routines, data transfer back and forth could be time consuming. Using the UTLNLA package lets data stay within Oracle, removes the programming effort, and delivers a fast implementation. Example 22-25 Linear Algebra Here is an example of how Oracles linear algebra support could be used for business analysis. It invokes a multiple linear regression application built using the UTLNLA package. The multiple regression application is implemented in an object called OLSRegression. Note that sample files for the OLS Regression object can be found in ORACLEHOMEplsqldemo . Consider the scenario of a retailer analyzing the effectiveness of its marketing program. Each of its stores allocates its marketing budget over the following possible programs: media advertisements ( media ), promotions ( promo ), discount coupons ( disct ), and direct mailers ( dmail ). The regression analysis builds a linear relationship between the amount of sales that an average store has in a given year ( sales ) and the spending on the four components of the marketing program. Suppose that the marketing data is stored in the following table: Then you can build the following sales-marketing linear model using coefficients: This model can be implemented as the following view, which refers to the OLS regression object: Using this view, a marketing program manager can perform an analysis such as Is this sales-marketing model reasonable for year 2004 data That is, is the multiple-correlation greater than some acceptable value, say, 0.9 The SQL for such a query might be as follows: You could also solve questions such as What is the expected base-line sales revenue of a store without any marketing programs in 2003 or Which component of the marketing program was the most effective in 2004 That is, a dollar increase in which program produced the greatest expected increase in sales See Oracle Database PLSQL Packages and Types Reference for further information regarding the use of the UTLNLA package and linear algebra. CASE Expressions Oracle now supports simple and searched CASE statements. CASE statements are similar in purpose to the DECODE statement, but they offer more flexibility and logical power. They are also easier to read than traditional DECODE statements, and offer better performance as well. They are commonly used when breaking categories into buckets like age (for example, 20-29, 30-39, and so on). The syntax for simple CASE statements is: Simple CASE expressions test if the expr value equals the comparisonexpr . The syntax for searched CASE statements is: You can use any kind of condition in a searched CASE expression, not just an equality test. You can specify only 65,535 arguments and each WHEN. THEN pair counts as two arguments. To avoid exceeding this limit, you can nest CASE expressions so that the returnexpr itself is a CASE expression. Example 22-26 CASE Suppose you wanted to find the average salary of all employees in the company. If an employees salary is less than 2000, you want the query to use 2000 instead. Without a CASE statement, you might choose to write this query as follows: Note that this runs against the hr sample schema. In this, foo is a function that returns its input if the input is greater than 2000, and returns 2000 otherwise. The query has performance implications because it needs to invoke a function for each row. Writing custom functions can also add to the development load. Using CASE expressions in the database without PLSQL, this query can be rewritten as: Using a CASE expression lets you avoid developing custom functions and can also perform faster. Example 22-27 CASE for Aggregating Independent Subsets Using CASE inside aggregate functions is a convenient way to perform aggregates on multiple subsets of data when a plain GROUP BY will not suffice. For instance, the preceding example could have included multiple AVG columns in its SELECT list, each with its own CASE expression. We might have had a query find the average salary for all employees in the salary ranges 0-2000 and 2000-5000. It would look like: Although this query places the aggregates of independent subsets data into separate columns, by adding a CASE expression to the GROUP BY clause we can display the aggregates as the rows of a single column. The next section shows the flexibility of this approach with two approaches to creating histograms with CASE . Creating Histograms You can use the CASE statement when you want to obtain histograms with user-defined buckets (both in number of buckets and width of each bucket). The following are two examples of histograms created with CASE statements. In the first example, the histogram totals are shown in multiple columns and a single row is returned. In the second example, the histogram is shown with a label column and a single column for totals, and multiple rows are returned. Example 22-28 Histogram Example 1 Example 22-29 Histogram Example 2 Frequent Itemsets Instead of counting how often a given event occurs (for example, how often someone has purchased milk at the grocery), you may find it useful to count how often multiple events occur together (for example, how often someone has purchased both milk and cereal together at the grocery store). You can count these multiple events using what is called a frequent itemset, which is, as the name implies, a set of items. Some examples of itemsets could be all of the products that a given customer purchased in a single trip to the grocery store (commonly called a market basket), the web pages that a user accessed in a single session, or the financial services that a given customer utilizes. The practical motivation for using a frequent itemset is to find those itemsets that occur most often. If you analyze a grocery stores point-of-sale data, you might, for example, discover that milk and bananas are the most commonly bought pair of items. Frequent itemsets have thus been used in business intelligence environments for many years, with the most common one being for market basket analysis in the retail industry. Frequent itemset calculations are integrated with the database, operating on top of relational tables and accessed through SQL. This integration provides the following key benefits: Applications that previously relied on frequent itemset operations now benefit from significantly improved performance as well as simpler implementation. SQL-based applications that did not previously use frequent itemsets can now be easily extended to take advantage of this functionality. Frequent itemsets analysis is performed with the PLSQL package DBMSFREQUENTITEMSETS. See Oracle Database PLSQL Packages and Types Reference for more information. In addition, there is an example of frequent itemset usage in Frequent itemsets . Scripting on this page enhances content navigation, but does not change the content in any way. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE OF THE QUALIFICATION This Qualification is for any individual who is, or wishes to be, involved in operating a lifting machines or dealing with challenges in a lifting machine. Typical learners will be persons who are currently performing a range of activities and processes in lifting machine environment who have not received any formal recognition for their skills and knowledge, or learners who wish to embark on this qualification or those with a broad knowledge and skills base who work with lifting machines and who want to specialise in certain aspects of the lifting machine environment. While the Qualification is primarily aimed at providing the lifting machine operator the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills and attributes required to perform a variety of activities using lifting equipment, it does not preclude any other individual both within and outside the lifting machine environment from accessing it. This Qualification also enables the learner to work with a degree of responsibility during the performance of the lifting operation without working under direct supervision. The learner will also be able to display leadership skills among fellow workers in operating the lifting machine to perform a variety of tasks. The Core component contains lifting machine and generic competencies covering: Basic first aid and firefighting skills. Knowledge of legislation pertaining to lifting machines. Knowledge of loads. The dynamics of the lifting environment and housekeeping within the lifting machine context. Appreciation of the lifting machine environment. Communication skills specific to the lifting machine environment. Hazardous substances. HIV and Aids. Occupational Health and Safety and the Environment. The Elective component consists of three streams of specialisation in lifting machines, namely lift truck operations, crane operation and mobile elevated work platforms (MEWP), and a general stream which has Unit Standards related to the specialisation streams and Unit Standards relevant to the context in which the learner will operate. Each of these streams constitutes a set of appropriate Unit Standards that allow the learner to obtain competencies in particular areas within the lifting machine environment. The Qualification ensures progression of learning, enabling the learner to meet standards of service excellence required within the lifting machine field of learning and provide access to a higher Qualification within the same or a related sector. The Qualification also focuses on the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes required by a learner at this level and is designed to: To release the potential of people. To provide opportunities for people to move up the value chain. To provide opportunities for people to explore different activities within the lifting machine sector. There are currently two Qualifications for lifting equipment on the NQF. However, both are for operating cranes and apply only to the construction context. They are the National Certificate: Construction: Crane Operations at NQF Level 2 and the National Certificate: Construction: Crane Operations at NQF Level 3. This National Certificate: Lifting Machine Operations at NQF Level 3 is the first of its kind to cover a variety of lifting machines including lift trucks, cranes and mobile elevated work platforms (MEWP). It is a generic qualification that encapsulates common competencies in the Fundamental and Core components and allows for the acquisition of specialised competencies in the Elective component. The Qualification encompasses both the NQF Levels 2, 3 and 4 competencies required by learners to operate the different lifting machines listed in the National Code of Practice for Training Providers (2005) - known as the NCOP and some of the new lifting machines being introduced into the South African market like the rubber-tyred gantry crane (RTG). The NCOP and has been incorporated into the Driven Machine Regulation 18 (11) of 1998. The needs within various manufacturing, production and construction sectors has created a demand for people with the ability to use the different types of lifting machines to perform a wide range of activities safely and efficiently, with due consideration for the context in which they operate. This sector employs a large number of people. Currently most learners complete a particular Unit Standard or set of Unit Standards and the training prescribed in the NCOP in order to obtain a licence to operate a particular lifting machine. This qualification will allow learners and operators in the industry the opportunity to complete an entire qualification should they wish to do so and use it to progress further in their career path. This national Qualification and its related Unit Standards were developed to standardise the accreditation of learning programmes, resulting in improved quality in terms of programme delivery. In terms of the learning pathway, the National Certificate: Lifting Machine Operations at NQF Level 3 will allow a learner to progress to work in plant production by completing the Further Education and Training Certificate (FETC): Plant Production at NQF Level 4. In addition, the learner could also acquire the Further Education and Training Certificate: Generic Management and pursue a career in management, at the appropriate level, within the lifting machine sector. The latter option contributes to transformation in the country as learners will acquire skills and competencies to gain access to positions within management structures. Other qualifications that allow for upward mobility are listed in the Articulation section. The National Certificate: Lifting Machine Operations at Level 3 supports the objectives of the NQF in that it gives the learner access to a registered Qualification. It will ensure that the quality of education and training. The Qualification will allow learners to benchmark their competencies against international standards. For those who have been in the workplace for a long time, this Qualification represents part of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process to acknowledge workplace skills acquired without the benefit of formal education or training. LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE AND RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING It is assumed that learners are competent in Communication and Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 2. Learners who have acquired the National Certificate: Constructions: Crane Operations at NQF Level 2 or any other relevant qualification. Recognition of Prior Learning: This Qualification may be achieved in part (or whole) through the recognition of relevant prior knowledge andor experience. The learner must be able to demonstrate competence in the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes implicit in this Qualification. As part of the provision of recognition of prior learning providers are required to develop a structured means for the assessment of individual learners against the Unit Standards of the Qualification on a case-by-case basis. A range of assessment tools and techniques during formative and summative assessment procedures should be used which have been jointly decided upon by the learner and the assessor. Such procedures, and the assessment of individual cases, are subject to moderation by independent assessors. The same principles that apply to assessment of this Qualification also apply to recognition of prior learning. Learners may provide evidence of prior learning for which they may receive credit towards the Unit Standards andor the Qualification by means of portfolios, physical demonstrations or other forms of appropriate evidence as agreed to between the relevant provider and relevant ETQA or ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding in place with the relevant ETQA. RPL is particularly important, as there are people in the sector or trade union movement with a variety of skills and competencies of differing quality and scope. It is important that an RPL process be available to assist in making sense of existing competencies and skills, and helping to standardise these competencies and skills towards a common standard. Access to the Qualification: There is an open access to this Qualification, keeping in mind the Learning Assumed to be in Place. RECOGNISE PREVIOUS LEARNING A minimum of 122 credits is required to complete the Qualification which is made up of the following components: Fundamental: 36 credits. Core: 55 credits. Electives: 31 credits. Total: 122 credits. Motivation for the number of credits assigned to the Fundamental, Core and Elective Components: There are 36 credits - from Communications and Mathematical Literacy - allocated to this component at the level of the Qualification. All the Unit Standards designated as Fundamental are compulsory. 55 credits have been allocated to Unit Standards designated as Core for the purpose of this Qualification. These Unit Standards provide the generic knowledge and competencies related to work in the lifting machine sector. All the Unit Standards indicated as Core are compulsory. The Elective Component consists of Unit Standards in three streams of specialisation and a general stream, each with its own set of Unit Standards. The specialisation streams are: Crane Operations, Lift Trucks Operations, and the Mobile Elevated Working Platforms (MEWPs). The General stream has both lifting machine related Unit Standards and other Unit Standards relevant to the context in which they will operate. Learners are to choose a specialisation area and Elective Unit Standards at least to the value of 31 credits. If the specialisation contains fewer credits than the minimum required for the Elective component, or if the learner chooses to operate just one type of machine and thereby does not achieve the full number of Elective credits required, then the learner must choose additional Elective Standards from the General stream to gain the number of credits required to complete the Qualification. Electives provide opportunities for the holistic development of the learner and allow for maximum flexibility and multi-skilling to enable the learners to achieve a qualification that is relevant to the context in which they work. The following specialisations are available: Specialisation Stream 1: Crane Operations: Within this specialisation one or more of the following Unit Standards may be acquired. However, it must be noted that in the case of certain cranes (eg. mobile and tower) learners must acquire the NQF Level 2 Unit Standard for that particular type of crane before doing the NQF Level 3 Unit Standard for that type of crane, which involves more complex learning and skills. ID 116254: Operate a mobile crane, Level 2, 20 Credits. ID 253660: Supervise advanced mobile crane operations, Level 4, 20 Credits. ID 116981: Conduct advanced tower crane operations, Level 3, 20 Credits. ID 116231: Operate cab controlled overhead crane, Level 2, 8 Credits. ID 116235: Operate a pendant controlled overhead crane, Level 2, 5 Credits. ID 116255: Operate a tower crane, Level 2, 20 Credits. ID 116253: Operate a truck-mounted loader crane, Level 2, 5 Credits. ID 242982: Operate a heavy crane, Level 3, 14 Credits. ID 242976: Operate overheadgantry crane, Level 2, 5 Credits. ID 242978: Operate truck-mounted cranes, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 117086: Extract and transport timber using a tractor and trailer fitted with a self-loading crane in a production situation, Level 4, 25 Credits. ID 8039: Operating cranes, Level 3, 10 Credits. ID 260781: Operate a telescopic boom handler, Level 3, 10 Credits. ID 260761: Operate a reach stacker (telescopic container handler), Level 3, 10 Credits. ID 260757: Operate a straddle carrier, Level 3, 10 Credits. ID 260798: Operate a cantilever container crane (ship to shore), Level 3, 12 Credits. ID 260817: Operate a scotch derrick crane (ship mounted), Level 3, 10 Credits. ID 260760: Operate inland container crane (rail to road transfer) goliath type, Level 3, 10 Credits. ID 260760: Operate a ships crane, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 260764: Operate a sugar cane crane, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 260759: Operate a wharf side crane (rail mounted), Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 260765: Operate a rubber tyred gantry crane (RTG), Level 3, 12 Credits. ID 260763: Operate a floating crane, Level 3, 12 Credits. ID 260758: Operate a wall-mounted jib, Level 3, 7 Credits. ID 260777: Operate a container side loader, Level 3, 8 Credits. Total Number of Credits for Crane Electives: 285 plus outstanding Specialisation Stream 2: Lift Truck Operations. Within this specialisation one or more of the following Unit Standards may be acquired. However, it must be noted that in the case of certain lift trucks learners must acquire the NQF Level 2 Unit Standard for that particular type of lift truck before doing the NQF Level 3 Unit Standard, which involves more complex learning and skills. ID 8038: Operating lift trucks, Level 3, 6 Credits. ID 242981: Operate defined purpose lift trucks, Level 2, 4 Credits. ID 242974: Operate counter-balanced lift truck, Level 3, 7 Credits. ID 242972: Operate advanced defined purpose lift trucks, Level 3, 7 Credits. ID 260797: Operate a sideloader lift truck, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 260762: Operate rough terrainearthmovingagricultural equipment with lift truck attachments, Level 3, 11 Credits. ID 260818: Operate a counter balanced lift truck in excess of 15 tons, Level 3, 9 Credits. Total Number of Credits for Lift Truck Electives: 52. Specialisation Stream 3: Mobile Elevated Working Platforms (MEWPs). ID 243276: Manage the transportation of mobile elevated work platforms (MEWP), Level 4, 7 Credits. ID 243273: Monitor and control the safety and operations of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms, Level 4, 8 Credits. ID 243272: Operate a Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP), Level 2, 10 Credits. Total Number of Credits for MEWPs Electives: 25. General Stream: ID 253638: Sling and communicate during crane operations, Level 2, 4 Credits. ID 116986: Sling complex loads and communicate during crane operations, Level 3, 12 Credits. ID 116075: Operate a sideboom, Level 2, 8 Credits. ID 117036: Conduct advanced sideboom operations, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 253600: Use a sideboom to lift, lower and carry materials, Level 2, 5 Credits. ID 243021: Shift loads using lifting equipment, Level 2, 4 Credits. ID 12481: Sling loads, Level 2, 4 Credits. ID 116583: Perform tandem lifting, Level 4, 12 Credits. ID 115900: Demonstrate knowledge of skills required in the crane industry, Level 2, 5 Credits. ID 116976: Apply generic crane operation skills, Level 3, 5 Credits. ID 117001: Use mobile crane to carry out pile-driving, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 115903: Demonstrate knowledge of the requirements for mobile crane delivery, Level 2, 8 Credits. ID 116989: Use a mobile crane to carry out demolition activities with demolition equipment, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 253582: Lift and move a load using manual lifting equipment and tackle, Level 2, 8 Credits. ID 119927: Lift and move a load on a construction site, Level 3, 15 Credits. ID 253595: Direct the operation of an overhead crane, Level 2, 3 Credits. ID 254355: Inspect and conduct routine maintenance on an overhead crane, Level 3, 2 Credits. ID 253590: Use and move a load in suspension using a mobile crane, Level 3, 4 Credits. ID 253658: Perform a lifting task by using a mobile crane, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 116283: Demonstrate knowledge of and apply regulatory requirements pertaining to crane operation, Level 2, 5 Credits. ID 116976: Apply generic crane operation skills, Level 3, 5 Credits. ID 244407: Lift and move a load using mechanical lifting equipment, Level 3, 7 Credits. ID 244365: Lift and move a load by means of a forklift, Level 2, 3 Credits. ID 244406: Move material by means of a mobilift in an underground mine, Level 2, 6 Credits. ID 242977: Operate ship cargo lifting appliances, Level 3, 10 Credits. ID 123260: Operate tailgates and tail-lifts, Level 3, 2 Credits. ID 12429: Develop a personal financial plan, Level 3, 2 Credits. Total Number of Credits for General Electives: 171. EXIT LEVEL OUTCOMES 1. Demonstrate an understanding of Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental standards in the work environment. 2. Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the lifting machine. 3. Perform emergency procedures in the lifting machine environment. 4. Operate a lifting machine. Critical Cross-field Outcomes: Identify and solve problems in which responses display that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made when: Identifying defects and anomalies of machines. Recognising potential non-compliance situations in and around the work environment and demonstrating initiative in recommending and applying corrective measures in accordance with relevant legislation, regulations and company policies and procedures. Determining the type of dangerous and hazardous substances. Selecting the lifting machine to be used in handling, moving, storing and stacking a load. Creating a caring environment for workers with HIVAIDS and by actively discouraging negative attitudes towards people with HIVAIDS. Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, community to: Ensure that lifting machines are fit for operation by reporting problems and anomalies to respective personnel. Ensure the safety of self, others and materialloads. Fight fires. Encourage others to maintain hygiene standards. Present information addressing the stigma of HIVAIDS and the importance of a proactive strategy in the workplace. Organise and manage oneself and ones activities responsively and effectively when: Identifying and describing the systems, instrumentation, levers, control and safety devices of lifting machines. Conducting inspections of lifting machines and safety equipment and reporting problems. Maintaining a safe working environment. Managing himherself and hisher activities responsibly by making lifestyle choices about HIVAIDS. Identifying, describing, moving and storing dangerous and hazardous substancesloads. Moving, stacking and storing loads. Selecting the most appropriate method for preventingminimising impact of, and responding to safety, health and environmental incidents. Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information to: Determine whether lifting machines are safe to operate. Decide on the type of dangerous and hazardous substancesloads. Decide on the lifting machine to be used. Assess whether workplace practice complies with the regulatory framework. Research situations that have a potential to spread HIVAIDS in the workplace and discuss and rating them in terms of high, medium and low risk. Perform hazard identification and risk assessments in such a way that informed decisions could be made. Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical andor language skills in the modes of oral andor written presentation to: Prepare and present records on the lifting machines and of incidents. Prepare and complete the handling, stacking and storing of loads. Maintain safety. To communicate control measures identified during the hazard identification and assessment. Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and the health of others by: Using the lifting equipment according to manufacturers instructions. Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation by understanding the potential impact of hazards on overall workplace objectives, including health, safety and environment. ASSOCIATED ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1: Relevant sections of the legislation pertaining to health, safety and the environment are identified, discussed and applied to ensure worker safety. Occupational health and safety and environmental principles are explained in accordance with workplace requirements. The impact of risks and hazards are explained and preventative measures are applied in order to minimiseeliminate risks and hazards in the lifting machine environment. Hazardous substances are handled according to specified legal requirements and standard operating procedure. Knowledge of HIVAids and it implications for employers and employees is demonstrated to emphasise awareness of the pandemic. Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2: The types of lifting machines are identified to indicate the differences between them. The components of the machines are described in terms of their functions and the way in which the components are inter-related. The attachments to the lifting machines are identified in terms of the machines to which they belong and the functions that they perform. The principles of leverage are described so that the lifting machines are used in a safe manner. The systems, instruments and controls of the lifting machines are described in terms of their functions. Refuelling and maintenance procedures are described to indicate the importance of these activities to maintain production. Calculations are used to perform minor routine maintenance and repairs. Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3: Knowledge of first aid equipment and procedures is applied after casualties at an accident scene have been prioritised. Knowledge of types of fires, the procedures to deal with them and firefighting equipment is used to extinguish fires. Emergencies arising from lifting machine operations are managed according to standard operating procedure. Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4: Work activities are planned and work areas prepared according to worksite procedure. Lifting machine is checked at pre-start and shut down as per manufacturers instructions and standard operating procedure. Attachments for lifting equipment are used according to manufacturers instructions. Information on the operational fitness of the lifting machine is recorded according to company procedure. Technical writing skills are applied in order to record extraordinary or unusual occurrences pertaining to lifting machines. Lifting equipment is operated as per manufacturers instructions and standard operating procedure. Approved communication techniques are used during lifting and slinging operations to ensure that work is performed safely and optimally. Lifting gear is inspected and evaluated and loads are prepared and slung in accordance with relevant Codes of Practice and standard operating procedure. Lifting machine is configured for specialised service, operated in accordance with manufacturers instructions for specialised purpose and reconfigured for normal service. Knowledge of loads is applied during the operation of a lifting machine. Safety measures with respect to specific lifting machines are conducted according to manufacturers instructions and relevant legislation. Quality safety and environmental procedures are followed in terms of worksite procedures. The importance of integrated assessment is to confirm that the learner is able to demonstrate applied competence (practical, foundational and reflexive) and ensure that the purpose of this Qualification is achieved. Both formative and summative assessment methods and strategies are used to ensure that the Exit Level Outcomes and the purpose of the Qualification are achieved through achieving the Unit Standards. Learning, teaching and assessment are inextricably linked. Learning and assessment should be integrated and assessment practices must be fair, transparent, valid and reliable. A variety of assessment strategies and approaches must be used. This could include tests, assignments, projects, demonstrations andor any applicable method. Evidence of the acquisition of competencies must be demonstrated through the Unit Standards, which enhance the integration of theory and practice as deemed appropriate at this level. Formative assessment is an on-going process which is used to assess the efficacy of the teaching and learning process. It is used to plan appropriate learning experiences to meet the learners needs. Formative assessments can include a mix of simulated and actual (real) practice or authentic settings. Feedback from assessment informs both teaching and learning. If the learner has met the assessment criteria of all the Unit Standards then she has achieved the Exit Level Outcomes of the Qualification. Summative assessment is concerned with the judgement of the learning in relation to the Exit Level Outcomes of the Qualification. Such judgement must include integrated assessment(s) which test the learners ability to integrate the larger body of knowledge, skills and attitudes, which are represented by the Exit Level Outcomes. Summative assessment can take the form of oral, written and practical examinations as agreed to by the relevant ETQA. Integrated assessment must be designed to achieve the following: An integration of the achievement of the Exit Level Outcomes in a way that reflects a comprehensive approach to learning and shows that the purpose of the Qualification has been achieved. Judgement of learner performance to provide evidence of applied competence or capability. Assessors and moderators should make use of a range of formative and summative assessment methods. Assessors should assess and give credit for the evidence of learning that has already been acquired through formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience. Assessment should ensure that all specific outcomes, embedded knowledge and critical cross-field outcomes are assessed. The assessment of the critical cross-field outcomes should be integrated with the assessment of specific outcomes and embedded knowledge. This National Certificate: Lifting Machine Operations at NQF Level 3 embraces a whole range of lifting machines from cranes (of all types), to lift trucks (of all types) to mobile elevated working platforms (MEWPs). In addition, the Core component of this generic Qualification addresses the following competencies: Basic first aid and firefighting skills. Knowledge of legislation pertaining to lifting machines. Knowledge of loads. The dynamics of the lifting environment and housekeeping within the lifting machine context. Appreciation of the lifting machine environment. Communication skills specific to the lifting machine environment. Hazardous substances. HIV and Aids. Occupational Health and Safety and the Environment. Hence, the international comparability mainly covers training on the range of machines, safety, communication and hazardous substances. Most of the courses offered are short courses, many for people already working in the lifting machine environment. America Crane Training: This provider offers programmes which comprise of classroom and hands-on training, mostly in the form of short course. Most effective learning takes place on the actual equipment used by employees. It is for this reason that on-site training is encouraged. CCO Prep Course: Length of Program 3 - 4 Days. This prepares the candidate in each of the four domains included in the Core examination and the four specialty exams. By the end of this training, the operator will have the confidence and skills necessary to successfully complete the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators examination. Core Examination: Domain 1: Site (Approximately 24 of the test). Domain 2: Operations (Approximately 23 of the test). Domain 3: Technical Knowledge (Approximately 28 of the test). Domain 4: Manufacturers Load Charts (Approximately 25 of the test). Specialty Examinations: Lattice Boom Truck Cranes. Lattice Boom Crawler Cranes. Small Telescopic Boom Cranes (17.5 Tons). Large Telescopic Boom Cranes (17.5 Tons). The organisation also runs a number of crane safety courses, namely: Offshore Crane Safety: Length of Program 4 - 5 Days. Regulations and Standards Referenced: ASME B30.8: Floating Cranes and Derricks. ASME B30.6: Derricks. ASME B30.9: Slings. OSHA 1917.45: Cranes and Derricks. Topics and Subject Matter Covered: Causes and Results of Crane Accidents. Types, Components and Terminology. Operator Qualifications. Operators Responsibilities. Vessel and Weather Considerations. Pre-Operational Inspections. Making a Lift Plan. Types of Lifts StaticDynamic. Utilizing Cranes Full Potential. Structural Ratings V. Stability. Understanding and Using Load Charts. Safe Operating Procedures. Hand Signals and Responsibilities of Signal Person. Boom Assembly and Disassembly. Securing the Crane. Rigging (Safe Procedures and Proper Inspection). Crane Safety and Rigging: 4 Day Program or 2 Day Refresher. Regulations and Standards Referenced: ASME B30.5: Mobile Cranes. OSHA 1926.550: Cranes and Derricks. OSHA 1910.180: Crawler, Locomotive and Truck Cranes. Power Crane Shovel Association Number 4. Overhead Crane Safety: Regulations and Standards Referenced: OSHA 1910.179: Overhead and Gantry Cranes. ASME B30.2: Overhead and Gantry Cranes. ASME B30.11: Monorails and Underhung Cranes. ASME B30.16: Overhead Hoists (Underhung). ASME B30.17: Overhead and Gantry Cranes. Inspecting Mobile Cranes. Regulations and Standards Referenced: USAS B30.5 1968. ASME B30.5 Mobile Cranes. ASME B30.10 Hooks. OSHA 1926.550 and 1910.180. Power Crane Shovel Association 2 and 4. Rough Terrain Fork Lift Safety: Regulations and Standards Referenced: OSHA 1926.602: Material Handling Equipment. ASME B56.6: Rough Terrain Fork Lift Trucks. Industrial Lift Trucks: Regulations and Standards Referenced: OSHA 1910.178: Powered Industrial Trucks. ASME B56.1: Low Lift and High Lift Trucks. Aerial Lift Safety: Regulations and Standards Referenced: OSHA 1910.67: Vehicle-Mounted Elevating Work Platforms. OSHA 1926.556: Aerial Lifts. ASMESIA A92.2: Vehicle Mounted Elevating Rotating Aerial Devices. ASMESIA A92.3: Manually Propelled Elevating Aerial Platforms. ASMESIA A92.5: Boom Supported Elevating Work Platforms. ASMESIA A92.6: Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms. World Wide Crane Training: This provider, based in California, also offers a number of short courses. CCO Preparatory Training: A 2-3 day course to prepare the candidate to take each of the four specialty exams including the Core examination. This training will prepare the candidate to successfully complete the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators examination. Eight hour classroom training followed by a minimum of one hour per student of individual hands-on training, and is the governing factor for the program duration. Crane nomenclature and component identification: Structural and stability factors. Radius v. boom angle. Proper set up procedures. Crane accidents and their prevention. Pick and carry procedures. Detailed study of load charts. Boom Truck Crane: Crane Operators Course with eight hours of classroom training followed by individual hands-on training. A minimum of one hour per student is required for the hands-on training, The two-day course highlights the following: Crane nomenclature and component identification. Structural and stability factors. Radius v. boom angle. Crane accidents and their prevention. Proper set up procedures. Quadrants of operation. Detailed study of load charts. A complete course outline will be sent upon request. Overhead Crane Operator: Overhead Crane Operators Course with classroom session followed by individual hands-on training. This is a two-day course. Crane nomenclature and components: Structural factors. Capacity factors. Operational procedures. Crane accidents and their prevention. Rigging Procedures. Portable Tower Crane Operator: Portable Tower Crane Operators Course with individual hands-on training. This is a two-day course. The course highlights the following: Inspection and Maintenance. Proper setup. Crane component identification. Quadrants of operation. Crane controls. Proper operating procedures. Riggings loads. Start up and Shut down procedures. Detailed study of load charts. Forklift Operators Course is a two-day program. The course is based on National Safety Council approved courses, and highlights the following: Safe operating principles. Maintenance and inspection. Safe operating rules. Lifting mechanics. Aerial Work PlatformManlift Operator Training: A two-day course, highlighting the following: Safe operating principles for type of machine. Maintenance and Inspection. Safe operating rules. Lifting mechanics. Detailed study of load charts (that apply). U. S. Navy NAVFAC P-307 Safety Course: The course is a detailed study of NAVFAC P-307 requirements for category I, II and III weight handling equipment. This program exceeds the Navy training requirements for its personnel and is presented around the world. The Electrical Industry Training Institute Limited. This company offers the following refresher courses: This is a one-day course consisting of classroom theory and a practical evaluation on a supplied machine. Courses will cover all application of forklifts and their operation. Theory of stability will also be covered. Also WCB Regulations will be reviewed. Course duration: 1 day. Target audience: Persons who already operate a forklift or lift truck as part of their employment. The Bright Training and Safety Wear: This is a company that operates throughout North America and provides training in the following. Fork Truck Operator Training Course Content: The two segments to the forklift certification program include classroom theory and practical evaluation: Review legislation and finespenalties relating to the (OSHA) Occupational Health and Safety Act. Outline the responsibilities of Owner, Employer, Supervisors, and Workers. Options available to a driver who is asked to perform unsafe work, or an unsafe act. Group discussion on experiences of actual incidents or close calls. Consequences of unsafe driving of an Industrial Fork Truck: Legal, Moral, Ethical, Social and Psychological. Review the classifications of the Industrial Forklifts and highlight differences. Pre-shift inspections. Stability triangletrapezoid. Centre of Gravity of the load and Centre of Gravity of the truck. Capacity of Industrial Forklifts, capacity plates (reading and understanding). Specific hazards and controls when driving an Industrial Forklift. How to respond to an emergency situation involving an Industrial Forklift Truck. List specific driving rules to your use of Industrial Forklifts. Forklift training will involve verification and review of 50 questions, True and False format. Theory is approximately four hours in length. Lift Truck TrainingForklift Operator Training: Lift truck trainingforklift operator evaluation driver review involves the following: All drivers completing the driver evaluation must have successfully completed concepts of safe and efficient driving training. Upon successful completion of the driver operator training program, participants will be Certified as Industrial Lift Truck Drivers. Each lift truck driver completes a Pre-shift inspection. Criteria: Observed Picking up a Load: Forks at correct height. Smooth stopping. Forks level before entering. Load is centered. Load is stable for lifting and transporting. Load all way to heel of forks. Proper tilt for type of load. Looks before backing up. Stops at all blind corners. Proceeds with load at safe height. Proceeds at safe speed. How to deal with obstructed view. Criteria: Observed Stacking a Load: Approach with load down. Looks behind before backing out. Raising load. Smooth operation. Levels load before putting in place. Gently places. Insures all people are at a safe distance. Aware of rear end swing. Propane Handling Observation if applicable: Review physical characteristics of an on site propane tank. Complete overview of tank condition (O-ring, collar, dating, soap solution check, etc). Lift Truck Training will require all participants to change a propane tank on an Industrial Lift Truck, or propane heater (site specific) in a competent manner. Review evaluation form with participant. Parking: Forks flat, Tilt forward, Parking brake on. Duration: The average time to complete a driver training evaluation is one hour, for experienced drivers. It is suggested that new drivers be instructed for a minimum of four hours prior to being evaluated. Overhead Crane Training HoistSling Operator Safety Certification: Overhead crane traininghoists sling operator certification safety course. Our professional staff of trainers and consultants will teach the basics of safe cranesling operation and preshift inspections, so as to increase productivity and efficiency while reducing the risk of product damage, property damage, and accidents. Overhead crane training certification, like some of our other safety courses is also customized for people in the workplace struggling with illiteracy. Concepts of Safe Use of CranesSlings: Material Handling regulations under the OSHA 49 through 64. Pre-Shift checks and inspection. Analyze the lift. Load limits and capacity. Maintaining a safe distance. Lifting, moving, placing loads. Standard safe practices. Controls and basic operation. Use of chains, slings, spreader bars, grabbers, and other attachments. Observation Of Safe Use Of CranesSlings: Each Operator will be evaluated on the safe use of cranesslings. Using equipment they will be using in their regular use of the crane hoistslings. A written evaluation of this observation is completed, reviewed with participants, and given to the company for their records. Aerial Platform Training Course: Elevated Work On Boom Lifts: This program is divided into two segments: Part one consists of an in class theoretical course which includes a competency evaluation (true false test) and review. Part two consists of an on site evaluation which will verify the individuals ability to operate a specific Manlift, in a safe manner. Part One: Concepts of Safe and Efficient Operation: Scissor Lift Purpose: Provide participants a general understanding of the safe and efficient operation of Power Operated Mobile Work Platforms. Participants will be able to identify specific health and safety hazards associated with operating manliftsboom lift. Review related sections of the OHS Act, CSA Standards, and Scaffold Industry Association of Canada specifications: Operating unsafe equipment or perform unsafe acts. Outline fines and penalties for improper use of the equipment. Lifting device and mobile equipment definitions. Complete review of fall arrest required, and recommended. Pre-shift equipment inspection and work area survey requirements. Review site specific Hazards, and controls for safe operation of a Manlift. Review safety decals, load capabilities, and specific equipment requirements. Fifteen key elements for safe operation of a Power Elevated Mobile Aerial Work Platform. Part Two: Practical Evaluation: All operators must successfully complete the theoretical portion of this program prior to being evaluated on site-specific equipment. Each individual will be tested to ensure they can safely and efficiently operate your site-specific equipment. Evaluations will be completed during regular working shifts, wherever possible. On successful completion of both parts one and two of this program, the participant will be certified as a Power Operated Mobile Platform (Manlift) Operator. Pre-shift equipment inspection, and work area survey: Uses proper personal protective equipment as required by the OHS Act and respective employer. Use and proper fitting of fall arrest (harness) device. Aware of the manufacturers specs for specific equipment (load limits, etc). Uses a signaller or spotter where required. Operates lift only on solid and level ground. Operates lift with all other workers clear of the site. Closes off site when doing major overhead workprojects. Smoothsafe operating speed for various plant conditions. Lift mobilizes only when the unit is in fully lowered position. All tools and associated equipment safely stored on the lift platform. Lucid Safety Training and Consulting LTD: This provider offers training in the following machines: Lift Truck Operator Training: The lift truck training certification course consists of classroom theory training and in-plant practical training. All participants must pass both the theory and practical test to be certified (OSHA). This lift truck training program is designed to meet the needs of current workforces where literacy andor language barriers are problematic. The theory testing provides the customer with actual test questions and participant answers. This due diligence measure helps prove appropriate and necessary questions were asked and answered. If the fork truck uses propane as a fuel, participants become certified in safe handling as required by the Energy Act of Ontario. Program Content: Review of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the legal requirement for using lifting equipment including responsibilities of the owner, supervisor and worker. Consequences of improper use of a lift truck. Key points of CSA B335-04 Safety Standard for Lift Trucks. Understanding the different kinds of lift trucks (electric motor rider lift trucks, electric motor narrow aisle lift trucks, electric hand trucks, and internal combustion engine lift trucks). The lifting capacity of the lift trucks. Understanding centre of gravity, the stability triangle and trapezoid and potential for lift truck flip overs. Safe operating practices. Use of Controls. Provisions for Lifting people. Understanding lifting attachments. Pre-shift checks of the lift truck. Theory and practical tests. Who conducts the safety training. Our instructors have many years of expertise. They not only understand the requirements of current legislation but understand the everyday issues and concerns of the operators. Their focus is doing everything they possibly can to prevent lift truck-related accidents at your facilities. We will conduct fork lift training anywhere in North America. It is advisable that forklift operators be trained on the lift trucks they will be assigned to use. Overhead Crane TrainingLifting Devices. The overhead crane training certification program consists of a classroom training session and a practical training session. All participants must pass both sessions to be certified. Successful participants receive a wallet certificate of achievement. This program is designed to break through literacy andor language barriers in its design while, at the same time provide the customer with actual test questions and participant answers. Program Content: The Occupational Health and Safety Act and the legal requirement for using lifting equipment. Review of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the legal requirement for using an industrial crane including. Responsibilities of the owner, supervisor and worker. Consequences of improper use of a crane - The function of different kinds of cranes and lifting devices. The lifting capacity of the cranes. Crane load limits. Using different kinds of slings, rigging methods, and the effect of sling angle. Safe lifting practices (lifting, moving, and placing loads). Maintaining a safe distance. Proper use of controls (pendent, radio, and cab). Understanding lifting attachments. Pre-shift checks of the crane. Theory and practical tests. Aerial PlatformBoom Lift Training: The aerial PlatformBoom Truck Training program consists of a classroom training session and a practical training session. In Canada, two CSA Standards are involved, B354.2 Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms and B354.4 Self-Propelled Boom-Supported Elevating Work Platforms. Self-propelled elevating work platforms refer to work platforms that cannot be positioned completely beyond the base on the machine. Self-propelled boom-supported elevating work platforms refer to platforms that can be positioned completely beyond the base of the machine. This theory training is quite similar for both types. Elevated Work Program Content: Legal requirements under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations. Requirements of Canadian Standards Association Codes CAN3-B354.2 Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms for Use on PavedSlab Surfaces and CAN3 - B354.4 Boom-Type Elevating Work Platforms. Pre-shift inspection of the elevating work platforms. Precautions for lifting, lowering, and moving. Personal protective equipment including fall arrest systems. Operation of the elevating work platforms. Safe operating practices. The lifting capacity of the lift trucks. Use of emergency controls. Theory and practical tests. General Machine Operator Awareness: Program Content: Legal requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations. Key points of the Canadian Standards Association Z432-04 for Safeguarding of Machinery. Conducting risk assessments. Pre-shift inspections. Importance of lockout procedures when required. Use of blocking devices. Checking safety devices. Types of guards and guarding devices. Machine Risk Assessment Training: Program Content: Risk assessment and hazard analysis. Principles of machine safety. Types of hazards and suitable safeguards. Strategy for selecting safety measures. Suitable safeguards and lockout. Description of the vocational education and training programme for: Operation of tower and swing crane with international lifting certificate: A-certificate: Profile of skills and competencies. A person having obtained an A-certificate: Is able to perform crane lifts with construction machines, including assessing, planning and performing lifting assignments with due consideration of the point of gravity and the correct and safe position and handling of the load from a point of view of stability. Is able to assess and identify various risky points in the lifting and transport process, including taking into account sharp edges of the load, slippage effects and loose objects. Is able to identify ordinary lifting gear and has knowledge of the labelling of such gear and of applicable rules on load line loads, safety factors and rejection limits as well as of statutory overhauls and storage regulations. Is able to work as a banksman and to control the lifting and transport process by means of generally used standard signalling and radio communication. Is able to identify the major parts of a digging or loading machine and has knowledge of its statutory safety equipment in relation to the performance of crane operations, including statutory overhauls. Duration and mode of education and training: The total duration of the education programme is 20 days. The education programme has taken place at a VET-institution which according to the resolutions of the legislation is approved by the Ministry of Education to offer and implement the education programme. Level of certificate: The training programme is a full vocational education and training programme, equivalent to level 3 in the Isced system (Isced 1997). The purpose of this document is to explain the contents of the certificate. Wherever possible the various sections of the descriptions are based of the recommendations given in 22412004EC of the European Parliament and Council of 15 December 2004, on a single Community framework for the transparency of qualifications and competences (Europass). The United Kingdom: Sivatech Ltd Fork Truck Training: Operator Training: Truck Type: Counterbalance Truck. Truck Group: B1 B2 B3 G2. Course Title: 1 Day Refresher Safety Course. Delegates: Maximum of 3 trainees per course. Course Objective: On successful completion of this theoretical and practical training course trainees should be able to operate the machine safely and competently. Trainees will have practised manoeuvring the machine both unladen and laden in the confined areas, stacked and de-stacked at various levels and will have been instructed in daily and pre-shift inspection and refuelling procedures. They will also have undergone the appropriate theoretical and practical tests of basic operating skills which are recognized by the Independent Training Standards Scheme Register (ITSSAR) and comply with the recommendations and standards of the Health and Safety Commission (HSC) ACoP and Supplementary Guidance, Rider Operated Lift Trucks - Operator Training (L117). Course Syllabus: Theoretical: Introduction to lift trucks: Explanation of the need to train people to operate these machines correctly and the operators responsibilities under the Health Safety at Work legislation and regulations. Daily inspection procedure: Explanation of the reasons why operators must inspect the truck at the start of the day or shift and the procedure for reporting faults or defects. A practical session is also completed on this subject. Lift truck stability: Explanation of the trucks rated capacities and how weight, distance and forces affect the stability of the machine. Battery CareRefuelling: Explanation of the need for safe systems of work, when recharging batteries or refuelling gas and diesel trucks and the different hazards, which may be present. A practical session is also completed on this subject. Safe truck operations and Industrial safety: Explanation of the operators safety rules and policies, the need for a safe working environment including personal responsibilities. Handling dangerous goods: Explanation of the various signs, labels and symbols, which the operator may encounter and the correct methods of handling hazardous or dangerous goods, including procedures to adopt in the event of spillage. Course Syllabus: Practical: Elementary driving: Introduction to and explanation of the instruments, hydraulic and motive controls. Demonstration, explanation and guided practise in the correct techniques and procedures for travelling with an unladen and laden truck, both in the forwards and reverse directions, manoeuvring in unrestricted areas, progressing to confined areas. Safe operating procedures: Demonstration and explanation together with guided practise in the correct procedures to use when handling, carrying, stacking and de-stacking loads in free standing stacks and racking. Battery CareRefuelling: Demonstration, explanation and guided practise in either the correct procedures to adopt when carrying out day to day recharging of batteries or refuelling gas and diesel trucks. Also covered in section 4 of the theoretical syllabus. Daily inspection procedures: Demonstration, explanation and guided practise in examining the machine at the start of the day or shift and when taking over from another operator during the shift. In addition, course candidates will have been instructed in the procedures for reporting faults or defects and the need for maintaining a record of the examination. Test: Theoretical Test: A multiple choice question paper covering the theory content of the course. Pre-use Check: Inspection of the machine. Practical Skills Test: A practical basic operating skills test. The company provides nationally recognised training and assessment services in a wide range of occupational areas associated with the Civil and General construction, MiningExtractive, Local government, Rural and Allied industries. Cranewise Australia is a Registered Training Provider under the Australian Quality Training Framework for Cranes, Rigging, Scaffolding and Loadshifting Courses. They deliver a wide range of short courses in construction operations, elevated work platforms, loadshifting, materials handling (dogging rigging), height safety, workplace health safety and all mobile cranes. Some popular short courses are the Vehicle Loading Crane (Truck crane under 10mt). These courses are Lifting equipment Awareness, Harness Awareness and the under 11m Elevated Work Platform (YELLOW CARD). Training ProgramsCourse List. Cranes and Material Handling: Overhead Bridge and Gantry Crane. CV Vehicle loading crane 10tm (1 day courses available). CN - non slewing mobile crane. C2- 20 ton slewing mobile crane. C6- 60 ton slewing mobile crane. C1- 100 ton slewing mobile crane. CO - Unlimited slewing mobile crane. Lifting Equipment Awareness (1 day course available). Boom type elevating work platforms WP - 11m and over. Elevating work platforms (yellow card - below 11m): Loadshifting: Front End Loader. Forklift Operations. All Skills Services: The organisation offers a course of operating a forklift. Students are new entrants to the transport industry who require licensing from the licensing body of Victoria operated by WorkCover. Prior to licensing students cannot be employed as forklift vehicle driver. Completion of this qualification is required for licensing eligibility. The course provides a pathway to obtain a forklift licence. The course is delivered over an 8 hour period per student as an instructor led program. All delivery and assessment can be a combination of both on and off the job. The program has been organized to provide students with general skills, background information and specific knowledge about driving a vehicle, which is then applied in discussion, questioning, role-plays and projects for the industry specific unit. Japan Crane Association (JCA) is a public corporation approved by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the objectives of which are to prevent work-related accidents due to cranes, and upgrade the safety management of the load transportation. JCA is playing a major role for international standardization activities for cranes (including mobile cranes) as a national drafting body of ISOTC96 (Crane and related equipment) and the secretariat of ISOTC96SC5 (Use, operation and maintenance). In addition, JCA acts as a drafting body of national standards andor safety regulations of cranes and conducts the research entrusted by Government. For preventing work-related accident due to cranes, etc. JCA provides the operator training course, skills training course and other various safety and health education courses. Crane operator training: Crane operator training course. Mobile crane operator training course. Skills Training: Skills training course for operating floor-operated type crane. Skills training course for operating small-sized mobile crane. Skills training course for sling work. Special Education: Special education for operating a crane with small lifting capacity. Special education for operating a mobile crane with small lifting capacity Safety and Health Education. Safety and health education for personnel engaged in periodic self inspection for overhead traveling crane. Safety and health education for personnel engaged in periodic self inspection for mobile crane. Safety and health education for foremen engaged in erection and dismantling work of climbing tower crane. Safety and health brush-up education for crane operator. Safety and health brush-up education for mobile crane operator. The following countries in Africa were checked for purposes on international comparability: Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Nigeria and Ghana. These countries train on the programmes provided by international training companies, some of which are listed below: Crane Operator Training School in California, USA. Crane Training Canada - International Overhead Crane Operator Safety Training. Safe-Tech Training in Canada. Thomas Truck Training in the United Kingdom. Train-a-Lift Ltd in the United Kingdom. Australian Skills Training. Most of the coursetraining offered internationally constitutes of short courses on particular machines. The training includes aspects of health and safety and the actual use of the lifting machine. One or two course are quite extended but not like this Qualification. This Qualification contains many generic competencies and will allow the learner to study for a qualification at a higher NQF level and thereby increase the learners opportunities to obtain a higher position in the industry. While the training on a single lifting machine is focussed and less time-consuming, it must be noted that it does not allow for much mobility except to prepare the learner for that machine and possibly train on another lifting machine later. This Qualification lends itself to both vertical and horizontal articulation possibilities. Horizontal articulation is possible with the following Qualifications: ID 49052: National Certificate: Plant Production, NQF Level 3. ID 59730: National Certificate: Mechanical Handling (Rigging), NQF Level 3. ID 49080: National Certificate: Construction: Advanced Crane Operations, NQF Level 3. Vertical articulation is possible with the following Qualifications: ID 49009: National Certificate: Plant Production, NQF Level 4. ID 57712: Further Education and Training Certificate: Generic Management, NQF Level 4. ID 59731: Further Education and Training Certificate: Mechanical Handling (Rigging), NQF Level 4. ID 49053: National Certificate: Supervision of Construction Processes, NQF Level 4. ID 59298: Further Education and Training Certificate: Freight Forwarding and Customs Compliance, NQF Level 4. Anyone assessing a learner or moderating the assessment of a learner against this Qualification must be registered as an assessor with the relevant Education, Training, Quality, and Assurance ( ETQA) Body. Any institution offering learning that will enable the achievement of this Qualification must be accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA. Assessment and moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to the ETQAs policies and guidelines for assessment and moderation in terms of agreements reached around assessment and moderation between ETQAs (including professional bodies) and in terms of the moderation guideline detailed immediately below. Moderation must include both internal and external moderation of assessments at exit points of the Qualification, unless ETQA policies specify otherwise. Moderation should also encompass achievement of the competence described both in individual unit standards, the integrated competence described in the Qualification and will include competence within core sales and the elective standards relevant to the economic sector. Anyone wishing to be assessed against this Qualification may apply to be assessed by any assessment agency, assessor or provider institution that is accredited by the relevant ETQA. CRITERIA FOR THE REGISTRATION OF ASSESSORS For an applicant to register as an assessor, the applicant needs: A relevant Qualification at NQF Level 4 or higher. To be registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA. PROVIDERS CURRENTLY ACCREDITED TO OFFER THIS QUALIFICATION: This information shows the current accreditations (i. e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here. Dees Training (PTY) LTD All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. James Long Company Software and Hardware Solutions for Psychophysiological Research James Long Company has been developing hardware and software products for the psychophysiological research community since 1979. James Long Company consults in psychophysiology and brain electrophysiology. Background Custom real-time data acquisition and control systems. Custom signal processing applications. Custom embedded system applications. UV through near IR spectrophotometer and clinical blood serum analyzer design. Real-time operating system design. Over 42 years experience with Intel microprocessor family starting with the 8008. Please telephone us so that we may discuss your needs and goals and so that we may assist you in choosing among comparable methods. We accept written purchase orders from hospitals, universities and government agencies in the US (terms are net 30 days) for all capital purchases. For clients outside the United States, pre-pay by wire or check in US dollars drawn on a US bank, add 5, and add shippinghandling charge contact us for details. Return Policy: All sales are final. We provide consulting services on an hourly basis (plus travel) and on a fixed-price basis. We design and produce custom hardware and software tailored to your research needs. We assist in experimental design, methods, analysis, and writing of papers. Roger Bakeman, Ph. D. Georgia State University, Atlanta Martha Ann Bell, Ph. D. Virginia Tech Joseph J. Campos, Ph. D. University of California, Berkeley Linda A. Camras, Ph. D. DePaul University, Chicago Jeffrey F. Cohn, Ph. D. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Pamela M. Cole, Ph. D. Pennsylvania State University, University Park Susan C. Crockenberg, Ph. D. University of Vermont, Burlington Richard J. Davidson, Ph. D. University of Wisconsin, Madison Lisa M. Diamond, Ph. D. University of Utah, Salt Lake City Janet A. DiPietro, Ph. D. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Kenneth A. Dodge, Ph. D. Duke University, Durham Nancy Eisenberg, Ph. D. Arizona State University, Tempe Mona Mounir El-Sheikh, Ph. D. Auburn University, Auburn Tiffany M. Field, Ph. D. University of Miami, Fort Lauderdale Nathan A. Fox, Ph. D. University of Maryland, College Park Barbara L. Fredrickson, Ph. D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor John M. Gottman, Ph. D. University of Washington, Seattle Gabriele Gratton, M. D. Ph. D. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Sydney L. Hans, Ph. D. University of Chicago Hospital, Chicago Lynne C. Huffman, M. D. Stanford University, Palo Alto Jerome Kagan, Ph. D. Harvard University, Cambridge Scott Makeig, Ph. D. Salk Institute, La Jolla Gregory A. Miller, Ph. D. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Adrian Raine, Ph. D. University of Southern California, Los Angeles C. Cybele Raver, Ph. D. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Susan A. Rose, Ph. D. Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx Holly A. Ruff, Ph. D. Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx Harold A. Sackeim, Ph. D. New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York Louis A. Schmidt, Ph. D. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario Matthew L. Speltz, Ph. D. Childrens Hospital and Medical Center, Seattle David Spiegel, M. D. Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford Steven K. Sutton, Ph. D. University of Miami, Coral Gables Andrew J. Tomarken, Ph. D. Vanderbilt University, Nashville Sandra R. Waxman, Ph. D. Northwestern University, Evanston Conforms to your required timing Competing products simply report how close they came to your required timing but dont guarantee conformity with your required timing. In the recent NIMH funded OPT-TMS study, the STIM system demonstrated 10 microsecond timing accuracy and precision. Presents user defined auditory stimuli Select rise and decay time, curve, starting and ending sound pressure level Select frequency, duration, and sound pressure level Presents user defined graphic image and character graphic stimuli Optional operator monitoring of STIM during visual stimulus presentation requires a second PC Controls external laboratory equipment Control pneumactic stimulators, electrical stimulators, strobes, shutters, and other devices (interface circuits are required) Transmits event signals to external data acquisition hardware Precisely control event mark timing Log subject responses, reaction times, and other data to a file for analysis software Allows complex trial definition scripts Implement virtually any deterministic (does not depend on subject response) and many nondeterministic (those based on prior subject response) experimental protocols Specify timings as latencies from trial onset or as delays from previous actions Specify any number of actions within a trial Specify operator interruptible or non-interruptible portions of trials Specify actions that occur prior to time zero (negative latencies) Define the inter-trial interval timing as trial offset to trial onset, onset to onset (stimulus onset asynchrony), or from any latency to next onset Allows any number of trial orders, each with different inter-trial intervals between trials Allows remote monitoring and control of STIM from another computer or terminal Requires PC STIM user controllable stimulus software Optional hardware for audio stimuli Audio option 1: low cost 12-bit audio Audio option 2: 16-bit very high fidelity (distortion and dynamic range equal to compact disk) stimulation and acquisition (e. g. for acquiring spoken words) Interface and attenuator headphonesearphones Telephonics high-impedance headphones custom made for James Long Company Aearo Eartone 3A insertable earphones Other Options VITC Video Vertical Interval Time Code Generator Parallel Printer Adapter for laboratory control signals Laboratory Interface Box to synchronize physiology data acquisition and to record event marks, has 2 outputs and 1 input, requires Parallel Printer Port One additional input or output BNC port for Laboratory Interface Box. Maximum: 6 more outputs and 4 more inputs. Subject push-button box (electronics box and remote button box) Telescopic photometer and amplifier for ultra-precise synchronization of visual stimulation with physiology. Range of 4 m. Great for VERP work. Audio Tone Detector with peak reading meter for synchronization with audio stimuli Pneumatic Stimulator Vertical Sync Pulse Processor VGASVGA remote kit for remotely locating a second monitorkeyboard 25 feet away (other distances available) STIM Annual Support Plan: applications consulting and software upgrades Additional STIM Reference Guide Provides a cognitive challenge designed to differentially activate the left versus right hemisphere in the absence of task variable differences between the shapes and words tasks which previous research has shown to seriously confound studies of hemispheric differences Presents experimenter created word and shape stimuli in a recognition paradigm The word task typically requires subject detection of synonyms The shape task typically requires subject detection of identical stochastic shapes. Experimenter selects protocol A study item followed by a test item A study item followed by a pair of test items A pair of test items only (no study item) Experimenter selects control to vary task difficulty to maintain a constant level of subject accuracy Varies set size Varies study item presentation time Varies test item recognition time limit Vary delay in presentation of test item Constant task difficulty Records Subject response Reaction time Accuracy Set size Outputs triggers for continuous EEG and visual evoked potential protocols Complements EEG Analysis System and ERP Analysis System companion products Epoch either continuous EEG or ERP data. (See EEG Analysis System and ERP Analysis System ). Requires PC CAP software JLC Laboratory Interface for STIM JLC Button Conditioning Box Presents the video analog of a moving pendulum for EOG studies of schizophrenia Experimenter selects symbol from a set of one hundred twenty symbols symbol replacement frequency symbol order trial duration subject to screen distance or screen visual angle visual angular velocity or pendulum period or pendulum frequency pendulum radius or arc pendulum motion constant velocity simple pendulum sinusoidal horizontal component Tests subjects visual tracking of the movement of pendulum Outputs the horizontal component of the pendulum movement as an analog voltage to drive a data acquisition device Requires PC and monitor PENDULUM software Optional hardware to output the horizontal component of the pendulum movement as an analog voltage to drive a data acquisition device 12 bit DA Provides a cognitive challenge suitable for young children. Displays an engaging scene of stars prior to experiment onset. Provides forced choice recognition task. Subject detects a randomly placed target (red letter X) in a random field of distracters (red letter Os, green letter Xs, and green letter Os). Task contains trials of varying number of distracters (5, 15, and 25 distracters for increasing task difficulty). Provides three conditions Possible red X among distracters (half red Os and half green Xs) with at least one distracter in each of the four quadrants. Possible red X, with one red O in each of the three remaining quadrants and the remaining distracters all green Xs randomly distributed. Possible red X with one green O in each of the four quadrants and the remaining distracters all green Os randomly distributed. Provides auditory feedback for incorrect subject responses. Records reaction time, subject response, experimental condition, and trial number for later analysis. Requires PC and monitor STAR SEARCH software Works with optional hardware External push buttons (requires a game board or game port) Presents air puff somatosensory stimuli Presents moving diaphram somatosensory stimuli Presents air puff olfactory stimuli Select among a set of different smells Enables control of stimulus parameters Select stimulus repetition rate Select stimulus pulse duration Select stimulus pressure Select among a set of different smells Enables remote control from STIM AuditoryVisual Stimulus and Control System Remotely control stimulus repetition rate Remotely control stimulus pulse duration Present any arbitrary pulse train Pneumatic Stimulator Synchronizes visual stimulus presentation with the onset of vertical refresh on a computer monitor for precise ERPs Compatible with all graphics cards Requires monitor with 5 BNC inputs Solves the problem when 6 ms to 16 ms uncertainty in vertical refresh onset is too large for required ERP work or required reaction time me asurements Includes VESA to 5-BNC video cable Extends the duration of the vertical refresh pulse out to 2 ms Makes available vertical refresh to STIM AuditoryVisual Stimulus and Control System Makes available vertical refresh to any laboratory systems that require access to vertical sync Vertical Sync Pulse Processor Synchronizes audio stimulus with physiology acquisition Audio signal can trigger start of physiology acquisition Audio signal can provide event marks Works with tones, clap-boards, etc. Adjusts easily to desired sound level using with peak reading meter Compatible with all audio sources. Provides triggers to STIM AuditoryVisual Stimulus and Control System Provides triggers to a VITC Vertical Interval Time Code generator for synchronizing field-recorded video Audio Tone Detector Custom designed: Built to your specification, for research in EEG, EMG, ECG, EOG, SCL, SCR, FP, EP, respiration, temperature, oximetry, and somatic activity. Electro-cap electrode caps may be purchased with your bioamp. Conformity: Meets AAMIANSI standard ES-1, 2.1. Tolerance: Handles high electrode impedances because of high common-mode rejection, optical isolation, and high input impedance. LEDs indicate which channel has excessive impedance. Expandability: Expandable from 8 channels to over 512 channels. Portability: Briefcase-sized bioamp weighs only 4 to 28 pounds has recirculatingrechargable battery power. Ultra energy efficiency: Uses 1.2 W for a 32 channel system this is the power consumed by a two D-cell flashlight Truly isolated: 4 kV peak optical and magnetic isolation barriers using state-of-the-art technology. High impedance: Greater than 1 gigaohms (ECT protected inputs are available). Low noise: The typical noise levels, referred to input, are approx. 0.2 microVrms at 100 Hz bandwidth and approx. 1.6 microVrms at 10 kHz bandwidth. Negligible crosstalk between channels: Separation is better than 10000:1 (greater than 80 dB), worst case, at full output. High common-mode rejection: Typical CMRR at 50 Hz or 60 Hz is greater than 112 dB. This reduces the requirement for special screen-rooms and other low-EMI environments and signal-damaging 50 Hz or 60 Hz notch filters. Customer selected gains: Select gains from 100 to 200,000. A quad-gain option is available. Customer selected bandwidths: Select high-pass down to 0.01 Hz and low-pass up to 10 kHz. A quad low-pass and quad high-pass option is available. Butterworth 2-pole filter response is standard other types and 4-poles are optional. DC option: DC response is available with one of three methods of baseline recovery: a local reset, a remote reset, and a periodic reset with local control of the interval period. Unlike amplifiers from other vendors, DC response does not increase noise Rapid recovery: Special circuitry in each channel automatically reduces lead-off recovery time to just a few seconds when the high-pass filter is 0.01 Hz and even faster when higher high-pass filter frequencies are selected. QRS (ECG) blanking: An option is available to eliminate contamination of EMG. Self-monitoring: LED monitors on each channel provide a continuous display of the integrity of each electrode connection. Impedance measurements are optional with the bioamps if the LED warning is off then accurate data are being acquired. Remote monitoring: A TTL trouble-flag, available through the output cable, indicates that a failure has occurred. Monitors all electrodes, internal power circuits, and the battery. Internal calibration source: Precision calibration signals facilitate accuracy and performance tests sine, square, and pulse waveforms are available. High reliability and serviceability: We use gold contacts in all IC sockets and at all critical connections for stability and reliability all ICs are in sockets for serviceability. Remotely controllable: Optional remote gain, bandpass, and calibration signal control. Ruggedized version: Optional corrosion and humidity resistant version available for harsh tropical field use. Available only to bioamp purchasers. Available with any number of electrodes. Assists in accurate behavior coding of video recordings Eliminates manual entry . transcription, or editing of time data: simply type your phenomenon codes and the codes are automatically combined with time codes as read from the video player Speeds coding with single keystroke macros you define for your coding scheme Allows complete freedom in design or selection of behavioral coding scheme Works with either superficial coding or fine-grained micro-coding Works the way you work Code in single or multiple passes Code forwards or backwards, at any speed from freeze-frame through 2X speed Play through the coding at a later date to check reliability. Or, for enhanced reliability, have two coders make separate code files for later reliability analysis Scrolls display of observational coding or physiological data synchronized with the video playback Checks all phenomenon codes you enter against your dictionary and prohibits phenomenon codes not in your dictionary Displays definitions beside the phenomenon codes to help train your coders Transforms data Merge two or more code files into one code file for reliability analysis or when two coders are assigned to code separate types of phenomena, e. g. facial and vocalization coding Translate one coding scheme to another using a dictionary Translate from FACS Ekman, P. amp Friesen, W. V. (1977). Facial Action Coding System: Investigators Guide. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. syntax to individual action unit coding (and back) Collapse configurations (e. g. FACS) into simpler codes Collapse multiple phenomena into a single phenomenon Translate times from video time to any format, e. g. minutes and seconds to seconds Exports to SPSS, SAS, and BakemanampQueras SDIS Bakeman, R. amp Quera, V. (1995). Analyzing interaction: sequential analysis with SDIS and GSEQ. NY, NY: Cambridge University Press. Analyzes data Determine ending times for events (create epoch codes) Obtain statistics . misalnya counts, mean, standard deviation, and percent duration Rank configurations (e. g. FACS) in order of frequency of occurence Resample on an equal time interval basis Assign weights to each phenomenon and transform the data into a format suitable for bivariate time-series analysis, e. g. using the GottmanWilliams programs Gottman, J. M. (1981). Time-series analysis: a comprehensive introduction for social scientists. NY, NY: Cambridge University Press. Assess coder reliability with confusion matrix and weightedampwindowed Cohens kappa Bakeman, R. amp Gottman, J. M. (1986). Observing interaction: an introduction to sequential analysis. NY, NY: Cambridge University Press. Complements EEG, IBI, and other analysis system products Use the code files you create with the Video Coding System to select epochs to be analyzed by the EEG Analysis System. View physiology from other systems synchronized with video recordings Requires a PC, DVD, and a TV Video Coding System software VITC readergenerator Laboratory Interface Box to synchronize physiology data acquisition and to record event marks Annual Support Plan: applications consulting and maintenance upgrades Vertical Interval Time Code ( VITC ) generators place a computer readable time code on each frame prior to recording. The time code is placed above the video image and is not visible. VITC readers read the time code off each frame during playback and send it to the computer. A user selected number is also placed on each frame for identifying a video recording. Any video camera may be used with these VITC generators. Two camera protocols require some camera synchronization solution: Use two VITC generators to record two separate but synchronized video signals. Use a split-screen generator and a single DVD recorder images are synchronized, but each image occupies only half the screen. Related items Video Coding System software Audio tone detector with peak reading meter for synchronization of two video recordings recorded without VITC. Also synchronizes prerecorded video or audio stimuli with video of observed behavior. Acquire continuous EEG and ERP data Eliminate expensive anti-aliasing filters with high-speed acquisition Display data being acquired in real-time Display any combination of electrodes during acquisition Scoreremove artifact Automatically regress out eye blink artifact Automatically detect eye movement and muscle tension artifact Manually score artifact using a mouse Epoch any way you want, using Stimuli Any electrical event Overlapping epochs Subject behavior or other observational coding Transform the data Re-reference to any new reference voltage Average electrode Current Source Density (Laplacian second spacial derivative) Average ear Convolve the data with a digital band-pass filter Filter evoked potential data Filter prior to compressing data for archiving Resample the data Compress data for archiving Synchronize data with a second timebase Analyze evoked potential data Calculate average and one standard deviation waveforms Calculate average of averages and difference waveforms C alculate cross-lag (Pearson r ) waveforms and find lag to maximum r Display average and standard deviation waveforms Display superimposed or offset Display in any color and scale Point to features using a mouse to automatically record peaks and latencies Detect peaks automatically within windows via a polynomial fit Export waveforms in ASCII to your favorite graphics package Analyze continuous EEG data Spectrally analyze selected epochs Obtain spectral coherence (cross-spectral) analysis between channel pairs Obtain weighted coherence using new methods developed by James Long Company for assessment of shared power and unshared power Fox, N. A. Rubin, K. H. Calkins, S. D. Marshall, T. R. Coplan, R. J. Porges, S. W. Long, J. M. amp Stewart, S. (1995). Frontal activation asymmetry and social competence at four years of age. Child Development, 66, 1770-1784. Obtain mean power and coherence across selected epochs Complements Video Coding System companion product Use the code files you create with the Video Coding System to select EEG epochs to be analyzed by the EEG Analysis System. The Video Coding System assists you in accurate observational coding. EEG: EEG Analysis System software (for continuous EEG only). ERP: ERP Analysis System software (for evoked potentials only). EEGERP: EEG and ERP Analysis System software (both continuous EEG and evoked potential capability). ERP option: Evoked potential option for EEG Analysis System software. EEG option: Continuous EEG option for ERP Analysis System software. COHERENCE: Spectral coherence analysis option for EEG Analysis System software. EEGERP: EEGERP Annual Support Plan: applications consulting and maintenance upgrades STREAM: Core software package for data acquisition plus continuous acquisition option (80 channels) with real-time display of data being acquired. 32 channel data acquisition 64 channel data acquisition 128 channel data acquisition Audio tone detector: Audio tone detector with peak reading meter for synchronization of physiology with prerecorded audio or video stimuli Acquires and digitizes EKG Extracts r-spike times automatically from digitized raw EKG (ECG) Scales EKG automatically with no calibration or threshold setting required Rejects movement artifact Rejects baseline shifts Rejects high amplitude t-wave and 60 Hz harmonics with digital autoregressive filter Provides manual IBI editing capability Display EKG and r-spike marks graphically for precise correction of r-spike times Remove spurious r-spikes with a single mouse movement Draw missing r-spikes precisely with a single mouse movement Dont arbitrarily split an IBI (as is required by a leading competitor Porges, S. W. (1989). MXedit Version 2.01 Instructions and Users Manual. Bethesda, MD: Delta-Biometrics, Inc.) and weaken RSA measurement Calculates mean heart rate wi thin selected epochs Calculates heart rate variability (respiratory sinus arrhythmia or vagal tone) within selected epochs Prorates IBIs to an equal-time-interval basis Removes trends from IBIs using moving polynomial Spectrally analyzes detrended and prorated IBIs using discrete Fourier transforms Calculates variability due to RSA (vagal tone), baroreceptor, and theromoregulation. Calculates respiratory sinus arrhythmia on each inspirationexpiration (requires bellows respiration option) Avoids confounding RSA (vagal tone) with tonic shifts in heart rate that have spectral characteristics close to respiration frequencies Complements Video Coding System companion product Use the code files you create with the Video Coding System to select IBI epochs to be analyzed by the IBI Analysis System. The Video Coding System assists you in accurate observational coding. Complements EEG Analysis System companion product Use the same epoch files for epoching both EEG and IBI data. The EEG Analysis System provides automatic and manual editing of EEG for artifact and discrete Fourier transforms (DFT), coherence analysis, and evoked potential analysis of selected epochs. Requires a PC and data acquisition hardware IBI Analysis System software Annual Support Plan: applications consulting and maintenance upgrades Optional compatible hardware and software Single channel optically isolated bioamplifier Streaming data acquisition software with real-time display during acquisition 32 channel data acquisition Additional IBI Analysis System Reference Guide Transduces, acquires, digitizes, and analyzes several physiological measures Requires one or two PCs and: PHY software for analyzing, prorating, and second-by-second reporting of: heart rate, finger pulse amplitude, finger pulse transmission time, ear pulse amplitude, ear pulse transmission time, skin conductance level, skin conductance response, skin temperature, respiration period, respiration depth (uncalibrated), respiratory sinus arrhythmia, somatic activity, diastolic and systolic blood pressure, subject rating dial, and event mark channel. This software is highly modular, comprising a suite of programs to derive each of the measures and a program to laminate each ASCII report column onto a multicolumn ASCII report file. New measure may be added easily, including user created measures. IBI Analysis System software for r-spike detection, editing, prorating, detrending, and RSA (vagal tone) spectral analysis (required for HR, FP, EP, RSA) Optional items Annual Support Plan: applications consulting and maintenance upgrades Additional PHY Reference Guide Additional IBI Analysis System Reference Guide BIO-8, transducers and optically isolated amplifiers for: ECG: 1-1000 Hz bandpass, 500 gain, 2 microvolts p-p noise Skin Conductance Level: 2.5 V 25 microsiemens, 0.5 V rms excitation Skin Conductance Response: 2.0 V 2.0 microsiemens, 0.01-10 Hz bandpass Finger pulse: gain control and LED bar graph to assist setup, photoelectric type Ear pulse: gain control and LED bar graph to assist setup, photoelectric type Respiration: air bellows, gain and balance controls and LED bar graph signal display to assist placement Skin temperature: -2.5 V 15 Celsius, 2.5 V 40 Celsius, settling time is less than 5 seconds, thermocouple probe can be taped to subjects skin Somatic activity: piezo-electric accelerometer (one-axis), gain control and LED bar graph to assist setup. (See Isolated Bioamplifiers .) Streaming data acquisition software 32 channel AD Optional hardware for synchronization with video stimulus Audio tone to digital (TTL) signal converter with peak reading meter and manual trigger switch. Cabling between control amp acquisition computers amp audio tone converter. Cable from players audio output to Audio Tone Detector Optional hardware and software for simultaneous observation of behavior VITC readergenerator board Video Coding System software (see Video Coding System ) Acquires EDA, FPV, EOG, and RT Analyzes orientation response using the algorithm James Long Company developed for Dr. Alvin Bernstein, Ph. D. SUNY Downstate Medical Center Scores startle blink in EOG based on experimenter chosen parameters Blink latency Blink amplitude Scores orientation response in skin conductance (EDA) based on experimenter chosen parameters EDA response latency EDA response slope EDA response rise time Scores constriction in FPV using a quadratic least squares fit based on experimenter chosen parameters Constriction latency Constriction magnitude Measures post-stimulus v. pre-stimulus heart rate Measures pulse transit time Measures reaction time Requires biological preamplifierscouplers, PC, data acquisition hardware and software, and stimulus source ORIENT software Annual Support Plan: applications consulting and maintenance upgrades Streaming data acquisition software with real-time display during acquisition 32 channel data acquisition Custom transducers and amplifiers for Skin conductance, Finger pulse, Ear pulse, Skin temperature, ECG, Respiration, and Somatic activity. (See Isolated Bioamplifiers .) Optional auditory stimulus hardware and software (requires second PC) STIM user controllable auditory (and visual) stimulus software STIM Annual Support Plan: applications consulting and maintenance upgrades Audio option 1: 12-bit audio Audio option 2: 16-bit high fidelity stimulus generation and acquisition (e. g. for acquiring spoken words) Headphone interface and attenuator for high impedance headphones Parallel Printer Adapter for laboratory control signals Laboratory Interface Box to synchronize physiology data acquisition and to record event marks (requires Parallel Printer Adapter) Acquires EMG physiology Analyzes startle response using two methods Uses bandpass filter, rectify, and low-pass filter method for traditional analysis Uses Fourier transform spectral method for precise frequency band selection Rejects trials with baseline blinks Scores startle blink based on experimenter chosen parameters Reports blink latency Reports blink amplitude Requ ires biological preamplifierscouplers, PC, data acquisition hardware and software, and stimulus source Startle analysis software Annual Support Plan: applications consulting and maintenance upgrades Optional physiology acquisition hardware and software Single channel optically isolated bioamplifier 32 channel data acquisition Streaming data acquisition software with real-time display during acquisition Optional auditory stimulus hardware and software (requires second PC) STIM user controllable auditory (and visual) stimulus software STIM Annual Support Plan: applications consulting and maintenance upgrades Audio option 1: low cost 12-bit audio Audio option 2: 16-bit very high fidelity (equal to compact disk) Headphone interface and attenuator for high impedance headphones Custom Telephonics high impedance headphones Aearo Eartone 3A insertable earphones Parallel Printer Adapter for laboratory control signals Laboratory Interface Box to synchronize physiology data acquisition and to rec ord event marks (requires Parallel Printer Adapter) Optional potentiated startle hardware Audio tone detector with peak reading meter for synchronization of physiology with prerecorded audio or video stimuli Copyright copy 2017 James McMartin Long. January 27, 2017


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